Are we really here?!!

The ultimate question that mankind tried to answer, why are we here? What are we doing on earth? What is our purpose? In this article , I'll try to address this issue in my perspective? I will try to explain life as I see it.Some of my ideas that Iam yet to mention are backed up by scientific evidence while others may be just phylosophical and may be someday will be improved. How can you explain the double slit experiment? Well i have a simple explanation, the electrons behave the way we want them to behave. Doesn't that mean that we may be programmed to see life the way that our creator wants us to see it? We see the material world because we are programmed to see it while all the material world is just a form of energy...In fact every thing IN excistence is a form of energy.when we die,we will see the truth that all the world is worth nothing cause it is not is just energy...nothing is real...In fact some religion has pointed out this fact ,for example god mentioned In The holy Quran that life doesn't worth th wing of a mosquito to god .why?because all the exsistance is a form of energy and is not real. The real exsistance is in the after life where we would have realized the truth of the exsistance.Another example are those who have the capabilities of healing people without using conventional medicine.You may call them saints you may call them spirituals ;those people that can ulterior the state of energy in your mind to heal your diseases.They have higher consciousness and realize that we are just a projection of the programmed can search the internet and the books of history that mentioned a lot of people like those. What about angles and deamons Didn't god stated in more the one region that angels were created from light and deamons from fire? And man from clay which is a form of materialized energy. We are all forms of energy nothing more and when we die we will transfer from one state to other and we will see all truth....

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