The most groundbreaking self-driving car technology will be like this in the future!

Just as today's mobile phones can do many other things in addition to making calls, cars can do more than drive and stop. In recent years, the self-driving automotive industry has been working with major technology companies to jointly launch the most advanced, safest, and most comfortable cars. The car is evolving into a large-scale smart device that has advanced emergency braking capability, automatic driving mapping technology, better fuel efficiency, and can be used as a vehicle.

Self-driving cars improve the safety of the driver and the surrounding vehicles. They can travel from point A to point B. They have no trouble during the entire process and can provide entertainment services for passengers while driving. In the next few years, the automotive industry is expected to further develop and bring us closer to an interconnected, digital environment. Mobile phone software Blinker is such a technological advancement that returns control to consumers so that they can buy, sell and invest in cars on smartphones.

Here are four of the most breakthrough technologies you can expect in the near future.

(1) Lower fuel consumption

Tesla is a pioneer in the fuel efficiency movement. It has introduced a series of electric and hybrid vehicles that can travel hundreds of miles with a single charge. In 2016, the global sales of electric vehicles exceeded 2 million, and as more automakers bring electric vehicle technology to market, it is expected that this number will continue to rise in the near future. Companies such as Volkswagen and General Motors have recently introduced electric vehicles, and Volvo said that all of their engines will be equipped with electric motors before 2019.

Electric vehicles have also become cheaper and cheaper. Companies such as Hyundai Motors, Kia Motors, and Toyota have all introduced $30,000 hybrid vehicles. This shows that on a global scale, investment in fuel efficiency may soon be widely adopted. In the United States, it is expected that by 2030, 20% to 25% of all cars sold will be electric vehicles, while in China this figure is expected to reach 35%.

(2) Forecasting Technology of Vehicle Condition

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have important implications for the future of the automotive industry because predictive power is becoming more common in automobiles and it can personalize the driving experience. More and more manufacturers are applying algorithms that use data to automate the vehicle setup process, including car infotainment systems and application preferences. The car is becoming an IoT device that can connect to a smartphone, receive voice commands, and change the user interface.
Predictive technology can also be applied to sensors in cars. It can tell the owner if the car needs repair. Based on the driving range and driving conditions of the car, this technology will be able to estimate the performance of the car, make an appointment in real time for repairs, and inform the user of any safety hazards of the car.

(3) Autopilot technology

Autopilot technology has made great progress, but although some companies have already tested their autopilot functions on an open road, we still have a long way to go before we can use these cars widely. Many cars already have semi-autonomous driving capabilities. These include automatic braking sensors, highway lane sensors, mapping technology to monitor blind spots, rear-facing cameras, adaptive cruise control, and automatic parking.

Google recently announced the automatic driving program Waymo, while Locke Car Corporation also released a fully automated driving car. Ford hopes to get driverless cars on the road by 2021.
(4) "Car as a Service" (CaaS)

“CaaS” refers to an upcoming car rental service that allows drivers in cities to participate in sharing car services. Smart device users can rent a car equipped with driverless technology through an application that can provide them with transportation or delivery services. The great thing about this technology is that you don't need a driver's license to get into these vehicles. They are like unmanned Uber.

IHS Automotive predicts that driverless CaaS will be available before 2025. This technology can help reduce the cost of mobile services while also providing a safer alternative for human drivers.

Bottom line

Some of the greatest companies in the technology industry have teamed up with auto companies to improve the way we operate our cars. As more and more companies begin to design cars with electric motors, the rise of electric vehicle technology will help reduce carbon emissions without disrupting banking operations.

Big data and artificial intelligence also play an important role in car customization and inform owners when their vehicles need to be repaired. In addition, the rise of self-driving cars and the potential of CaaS as a mobile service will greatly help consumers save resources while also making them safer.

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