Review on the impressive "The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming" DRAWDOWN by Paul Hawken




In April 2017, half way through my online PDC, I encountered a very interesting new climate study by the awkward name of „Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming“ which was released just a few days before. It caught my attention, because Paul Hawken presented his research in a very different way. Rather than finding out who the worst CO2 producers are, they focussed on the solutions and went out to find what the biggest chances for CO2 mitigation are and printed 100 soultions into a well categorized book.

I was faszinated by this new perspective, as Permaculture itself is a solution based design diciplin. There is even a saying in the world of Permaculture, saying: „The Problem is the Solution“. I already spent lots of time wrapping my head around that saying and often finding and loosing the understanding for this simple slogan. But it makes perfect sence, once you got it.

From inside DRAWDOWN.

Here are some slides that where used during Paul Hawkens presentation. You always see the CO2 mitigation rank number indicated, the ammount of potential GigaTons CO2 reduction, the NET costs and the NET savings in USD.
All images shown in this post are taken from Paul Hawkens offical book presentation.





So in a huge multicultural team, living all over the world, 120 advidsors of geologists, botanists, biologists, artists, activists, politicians, teachers and many more did the math on loads of research and worked hard to represent their findings in a very clear and well understandable format. All ranks and calculations where made in reguard of the year 2050 (check out my population article on 2050). By the way this research and presentation was one big reason I am not afraight of 10 billion people on this earth by 2050.





Charts & Overview.

At last, please check out the following charts that really baffled me.

Click to enlarge.

The biggest potential of CO2 savings come from the heart of our homesteaders life. It comes from food and consits of: Reduction of food waste, Plant-Rich Diet, Silvopasture, Regenerative Agriculture and so on. We basically work on the heart of the Solution for a better world. That is very amazing! It also surprised me how small CO2 savings in the transport sector are.

Click to enlarge.

With this last graphic showing each potential in order of size, I was thrilled about the immense potential by just educating girls all over the globe and also emancipating them to family planning. The top ten of this diagram are the essential solutions our societies have to aim for till 2050.


-Project Drawdown Webpage
-All 100 solutions by rank

The Video.

Here is the original video of the book presentation I saw April last year. Just skip the cheesy introduction speeches and get right into the hot matter Paul Hawken presents here:


This piece of research is full of solutions, hope and positivity and that is what is so convincing about it. I am really sick of knowing about more problems in this world and on this planet. Aren‘t we all peped (from „pep talk“) enough? We need solutions and not more problems. Permaculture is not about reducing our foorprint on this planet. Its about intensely increasing our footprint by interacting with nature in a way that ecosystemic regeneration is boosted with simultaneous abundand yields for humans, animals and plants and thriving life! Permaculture is an intese footprint lifestyle filled with healing solutions! It is not a lifestyle of abstinence and enumerating problems!

All images shown in this post are taken from Paul Hawkens offical book presentation.

As always, thanks for tuning in.

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