Are We Really Living On A Flat Earth?

Is The Earth Flat Or a Globe?

Seems like an easy answer, right???

I'm not saying that I believe our earth is actually flat but I would however like to draw some attention to some very puzzling questions. And please do not counter my questions with other questions which would support the globe, let's stick to factual observable and repeatable science, not the gravity answer which scientist themselves struggle to explain because it's based on a belief ( a leap of faith will I dare say ;) I'm not a believer in God, nor do I have I set perception of reality in any certain way shape or form, way to boring. I would however like to shine a light on the corrupt people, at the very top, the puppet masters. For those who say, oh why would so many people lie about this, surely tens of thousands of scientists would know and publish their findings. I can assure you if I was in charge I would compartmentalise the hell outta who's in the know and who's not. Knowledge is power and that's what most people want. Since the build of the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt it's been this way and sure as hell they have improved on the system since then. Many might find this concept really far fetched and hard to believe, In my perspective however it would be foolish to believe the people in control would not lie to us.

Ok So What Are My Arguments Supporting Anything Else then a Spherical Earth Model?

Nasa themselves have admitted that all images of earth are CGI composites.

  • Show us a REAL picture of the entire earth, unedited from space.

The landing on the Moon would have had to go trough the Van Allen Radiation Belt when NASA has recently just admitted they still trying to figure out how to get trough this extremely dangerous zone of space.

  • Show us evidence by providing an actual picture of earth taken from the moon and not the cropped and pasted image given to the public.

Flight Routes do not add up especially in the southern hemisphere.

  • Almost all flights from South Africa to South America go up north before going back down South where this should just be a simple relative short flight across the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

Water always seeks level and rivers do not run uphill, in contrary to many rivers on a globular earth model, ohh yes there comes your indoctrinated gravity answer which you probably only have read about in official government sponsored science books.

  • Provide proof of the curve by having two landmasses/islands ( roughly 4-5 miles apart) which according to your science cannot be observed due to the curvature and let others prove you wrong as with a good zoom lens and good weather you will be able to see clear across which directly would contradict the proposed curvature.

I actually like the idea of having a flat earth it seems way more exiting and would mean we would have a lot more land left to explore. There are plenty of videos available on You Tube on this topic, I have found some of the most informative, most compelling information is provided by a channel called Eric Dubay:

Again I do not have any set believes as to what the earth really looks like as I have never been to space and keep an open mind, I do however really enjoy the thought of having more land available to explore and see many reasons to support a flat earth model rather then a spherical or pear shaped one :)

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