Look What I Learned #01 / Father of Algebra: Hârizmi!!

Today I want to share with you something about Hârizmi. When I was trying to solve sth about a structural project using some kinds of formula i was complaining like that “who did find the math?? Who did find the zero?! Zero is the trouble-maker, zero is the worst, if it was not…. !!” As you see, I couldn’t deal with the problem :))
I’m interested in him today because I learned that he was the founder of algebra and adopts the idea of the zero into our life.
When I’m researching him I realised that Arabs call him Al-Harezmi, Western World calls Al-Khowarizmi and Turks call him Harezmi :) If you may interested in his works you can check him with these names. He lived in ninth century, in Uzbekistan.
I learnt that his real issue remains with the zero number. When the oldies had said zero divided by zero eguals to zero Harizmi knows that any division by zero is imposibble. He also developed quick methods for multiplying and dividing numbers, which are known as algorithms.
He was the great persian Mathematician. He introduced the fundamental algebraic methods and techniques for solving equations in his book “Al-Jabr” (Kitab-ül Muhtasar Fi Hesab al-Cebr Ve'l Mukabele). I may mention his “completing the square” method. The most interesting problem who solved by algebra is that: x2+10x=39. We start with a square. A side is x so the area is x². I hope you can understand the solving method by looking at the picture below.
Besides he has found number system based on 0 and 1 which used on computer science and digital electronics. By the way I vail in front of him respectfully.
There are so many things to explain about him but life is short and information world is big.
Take care of yourself.
See you soon!!…

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