Environmentally Friendly Alternative Energy (Biogas) From Hyacinth Plant

Biogas Derived From Water Hyacinth Plant

Hello .. How are your steemit friends? Today I will discuss alternative energy technologies that are environmentally friendly, ie biogas derived from water hyacinth. If we talk about the benefits of alternative energy, then there are some things and examples of alternative energy. Alternative energy is the energy needed by living things on earth when the main energy supply on earth begins to waste and requires alternative energy that we can use easily. Well, here, we can also express that alternative energy is a renewable energy while the energy we use has been largely derived from non-renewable energy.

Biogas energy is a renewable energy source that can be used to meet the demand for electricity and fuel vehicles. This biogas began to be known by the community intensively when the energy crisis hit the country of Indonesia, as well as with other countries. This energy crisis has occurred in recent years and is expected to continue for the next few years if not solved seriously.

Whereas the increase in demand for energy needs such as electricity and fuel oil will continue to occur. This can not be separated from the ever-increasing population, so the population's need for electricity and fuel oil will increase over time. So it requires immediate handling to create and produce renewable energy.

Biogas energy is an environmentally friendly and renewable alternative that began to be developed and produced by several countries. In addition to generating electricity, biogas can also be used for the need for fuel vehicles that are now more and more. And this is a very fitting alternative to be produced massively, because it is a very fitting alternative to overcome the energy crisis because it has the nature can be renewed.

Biogas work scheme of home-scale cow dung

Salt. image source [nextgen]

The Benefits of Biogas in Everyday Life
As you know biogas is one of the very clean and modern alternative energy. This is because these fuels do not use fossil fuels. So what are the benefits of biogas in everyday life? For more details, here are the reviews.

  • Fuel vehicle
    Until now, fuel oil still uses fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels are one source of non-renewable energy that will quickly run out if used continuously. Therefore, today many scientists are beginning to develop alternative energy substitutes. Some of the reasons why biogas is good for vehicle fuel is easier for operational costs, environmentally friendly and does not affect the performance of the vehicle itself.

  • Placement of LPG gas
    The second is as a substitute for LPG gas. As with fuel, LPG gas prices to date also continue to rise. But do not worry, because you can replace it with biogas. Well-processed biogas will be reliable instead of LPG gas. Replacing LPG gas with biogas will also have an impact on pressure on production prices, such as catering and restaurant businesses, cost-effective cooking energy and the transfer of LPG funds for household use.

  • Utilizing environmental waste
    The next benefit of biogas is to help reduce household waste. As we know the processing of biogas in using any type of waste, biogas is important to use the type of waste that can decompose. The environmental effect will be cleaner and trash free, away from disease, reduce the seedy environment and eliminate the unpleasant odor generated by garbage accumulation.

  • Power plants
    Currently a single power supplier is PLN. PLN itself up to now still use diesel fuel to supply as large customers. In fact, biogas into one alternative fuel that can generate electrical energy. In 1 meter of kunik approximately can generate 6000 watts of electricity per hour.

A simple way of making biogas from water hyacinth
Utilization of water hyacinth as a raw material of biogas due to the content of 43% hemicellulose and cellulose by 17%. Hemicellulose will be hydrolyzed into glucose by bacteria through anaerobic digestion process, which will produce methane gas (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as biogas. Biogas is one of the most efficient and effective renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on fuel oil.

Water Hyacinth image source [wikipedia.]

There is an easy and simple way for those who want to know about biogas and its utilization. The tools needed are around us. On this occasion, I try to explain simply how to make biogas with tools and materials around us.

Tools / Materials needed:

  1. Galon mineral water

  2. Knife to perforate the gallon cap

  3. Small metal pipe with a diameter of approximately 1 cm

  4. Plastic aquarium hoses with a diameter of 1 cm

  5. Water.

  6. Eceng Mango or raw vegetable scraps from the kitchen.

How to make:

  1. Enter water hyacinth or vegetable residue up to 1/2 gallon.
  2. Fill the gallon with enough water and close the lid (do not let any holes).
  3. Save for 7 days
  4. Prepare a metal pipe with a diameter of 1 cm along 10 cm and 20 cm (2 pieces)
  5. Prepare aquarium plastic tube with a diameter of 1 cm, along 1 meter.
  6. Lubangi gallon cap of mineral water just a little (Do not open the lid so the gas does not disappear / evaporate).
  7. Then plug the metal pipe on the lid.
  8. Then connect the palstic hose to the metal pipe on the lid of the gallon.
  9. At the other end of the hose, connect a 20 cm loga pipe.
  10. Move with matches.
    If the decay is good, it will surely burn.

Note: If not successful, there may be bacterial deficiencies in the remaining vegetables. For that can be added methanogen bacteria whose products are methane gas (CH4). But usually without the added bacteria it can still produce biogas.

Many people who have applied biogas energy, the public admitted biogas from water hyacinth is more efficient than LPG. Fire produced from biogas is as big as LPG and can be used for cooking purposes.

Thanks to friends who have visited this blog and provided constructive comments, as well as the best writers and writers in this stemeet I apologize if there are many mistakes in my writing. #science


BEST REGARDS @maulizar

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