Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter - new book now for sale

As I have been researching the subject for over a decade now and not found anything even close to what could be considered a solid, well founded and complete analysis of Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter I am proud to be the first to bring this to you in this small booklet that I have recently published on Amazon.


Copied from the back:

What was it? What did it do? Did it provide "free energy"? How did it work?
All these questions and more you will find answered in this book which is the result of more than a decade of theoretical and experimental research.
Every fact you will see backed by Tesla's own words and/or recent experiments. This book is a must-read for every Tesla enthusiast and everyone who wishes to understand his work. It is divided into three parts and every part concludes with a summary in layman's terms so that everyone can understand what it is that Tesla wanted to accomplish in Wardenclyffe and how.

With the purchase of this book you are supporting my work.
Thank you!

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