Does masturbation cause pimples?

Many people believe that the idea of ​​masturbation causes pimples, and this idea passed through the generations. However, there is no real relationship between them, but they start with the onset of puberty. The reason for the emergence of acne or pimples are the bacteria that feed on the oils and produced in the pores of the skin during The period of puberty, however, this production declines later. This is the reason that pimples appear during adolescence and does not cause masturbation of pimples or blindness.


If so, all sexual encounters can cause pimples.

If you do not masturbate, what can cause pimples? Has masturbation caused pimples? As explained above, the answer is no, then you may wonder if masturbation is not the reason for the pimples if so what is the reason? Here are some of the possible factors that can cause pimples:


As mentioned above, during adolescence produces a lot of fats and oils due to increased production of sex hormones, and the clogged pores to the appearance of blackheads, resulting in the emergence of pimples.

Skin type:

Your skin type can increase the chance of your pimples. This is one of the factors of heredity. For example, if you are prone to pimples, your children are likely to be vulnerable too. Fatty skin is the most common type of skin that shows pimples and if your skin produces Lots of oils you are also producing a lot of fat, which will cause pimples.

Change and hormonal disorders:

Women's pimples sometimes appear before their menstrual cycle. This is due to changes in hormones. In the same way, pimples may appear in pregnant women in the first trimester. Hormonal diseases such as PCOS may also make women susceptible to blisters.

Side effects of the drug:

Warts may appear on the skin due to the side effect of medications such as lithium and steroids. "Note: There are some cases that are commonly thought to cause pimples.

However, the truth is the contrary. "Malnutrition or foods rich in oily spices do not cause pimples.

However, it is recommended to follow a balanced and healthy diet and certainly not to cause pimples.

If you do not clean your skin, you may not see pimples. However, if you neglect some areas or areas of high-fat fat build up, you will be prone to pimples.

How can you relieve pimples?

After knowing the question: Does masturbation cause pimples, you will naturally need to know how to relieve pimples If you have problems with blisters, here are some steps that can be taken into account to reduce the pimples:

Step 1: Evaporation

Pour the steam into the surface of the skin Fill a bowl of boiling water and place it on a flat surface, cover your head with a towel and bend 18 inches above the pot Allow the steam to hide your face for at least 5 minutes, then use warm water to wash the face.

Do this twice a day.

Step Two: Tea tree oil compresses

These compresses help to kill the bacteria. Use 5 pieces of cotton immersed in water with the age of excess water, then pour a drop of tea tree oil on each cotton and allow it to rest for 3 minutes to spread all cotton. Place cotton on your face for at least 5 minutes and leave your skin To dry on its own.

Do this twice a day.

Step 3: Use the Clamin lotion * (1)

Soak cotton with calamine lotion then put some of it on the blister and let it stay for 3 hours and leave the period to dry completely, then wash with warm water.

Do this twice a day

  • (1) Calamine: a colorless and colorless powder that is floral or reddish, consisting of either a zinc oxide mixture
    With about 0.5% of iron oxide or zinc carbonate compound and is used as an anti-itch and to treat cases such as sunburn, skin rash caused by poison ivy, poison oak, water pox and insect bites. It is also used as a disinfectant to prevent infection that can be caused by scratches or blisters and acne breakouts.
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