It is understood as urbanism, to the group of knowledge that allow the analysis and behavior of the urban structure that possesses some population nucleus, including important factors such as, geographical position, territorial planning, and the scope of Public services. Likewise, it is important to emphasize that one of the first people who carried out studies based on the development of urbanism, was Hipodamo of Miletus during the 5th century BC, to whom it is attributed the elaboration of the plans of development and urban organization of cities like Turios (Italy), Miletos and the port of Athens, besides this, it is considered the pioneer of the urban ordering scheme called "Plan Grid", which basically consists in the projection of an urban nucleus of radial or elongated form with Rectangular apples where the intersections of the streets are practically perpendicular.

Later, the Romans devised plans and techniques that adopted the Hipodámicos principles in cities whose territory had an irregular topography, among these strategies were the disposition of certain parts of the city as the zones Centric, for the establishment of the most important buildings of the city, allowing the urban growth to the surroundings of the downtown with buildings whose construction could be carried out even in difficult terrains (mountains, hills , valleys, among others).

Nowadays, the study of urbanism is diversified in such a way that it has even allowed the creation of techniques and even the promulgation of regulations whose purpose is to guarantee the preservation and the care of the environment, that is to say, not only It limits to the regulation of constructions in a city, but also evaluates the different alternatives to consolidate a healthy interaction between the common activities of the human beings and a certain ecosystem. In this regard, the important favorable results that have led to the application of "sustainable urbanism" should be taken into account in cities such as Zurich, Singapore, Stockholm, Vienna, London, among others, where, among other aspects, the Reduction of the level of pollution (mostly air-related), new spaces have been enabled for the recreation of its inhabitants, and as another very important point, it has been propitiated the care of species of flora and fauna that were threatened with the Growth of these cities.



The city of Zurich, the first in the list of sustainable cities has a patrimonial urbanism, which allows the interaction between the different daily activities and the environment (green areas, aquatic spaces), and its good configuration has Allowed to be consolidated as a terrestrial communications knot located in the Alps.



The city-state of Singapore, has a highly developed urbanism, which is formed by sectors of different urban levels, from skyscrapers to single-family homes. Similarly, it has a sophisticated road network, a large airport and a well-known seaport, which has allowed it to position itself as one of the "Four Asian Tigers".



Located on a group of Islands, the city of Stockholm has despite the geographic conditions of the region, has a successful structure allowing the development of commercial and industrial activities motivated by the excellent transport system. Likewise, there are numerous natural spaces, making it one of the most attractive cities of La Scandinavia.


Recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in North America, Vancouver has been developed taking into consideration, the preservation of the ecosystems that are to its around.

Previously, mention was made of the ecological trend of urbanism today, however, one cannot fail to mention the fundamental functions of this speciality, which has contributed precisely to the preservation of the urban order in nations in the That has been successfully adopted. In this context, through the exhaustive planning in the development of the urbanisms, have achieved satisfactory results in relation to the good use of the soil, consolidation of an architectural style and fulfillment in the specific use of project ( Residential, commercial, industrial, among others).


One of Palms islands located in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, in these particular and expensive urbanisms, combine tourist residential and commercial use. The image shows a line of monorail that runs through the trunk of the island to reach the growing of it (in the foreground).


View of a central area of Barcelona, Spain, one can appreciate the characteristic hipodamica and radial this spectacular and well-preserved urban planning.


Industrial area of the Zona Franca of the port of Barcelona, Spain, can be seen the Organization and the road and railway according to this type of urban infrastructure.


Currently, urban projects are developed almost under any type of topography. In the image, view of a residential area located in the city of Caracas, Venezuela.

In addition to describing the pioneering role of urbanism, it is necessary to mention that in a considerable percentage, it has not been exercised correctly, and combined with other factors such as population growth has impeded healthy urban development on a large scale. With regard to the latter, it is important to note that since the period 1980-2015 the population has increased by 50.32%, which translates into a population of 7,376,471,981 inhabitants, distributed in 59.2% Asia, 10.7% Europe, 14.5% America, 15.09% Africa and 0.51% Oceania, Which for the year 2014 a 54% resided in cities. Based on these numbers, it can relate directly to population growth and urban disorder in cities, because one of its characteristics is to encourage the emigration from the countryside to the city, and as a consequence of the latter generates a saturation in the spaces for urban development.

In this sense, emphasizing the migratory flow to the cities, it should be noted that this phenomenon has been presented mostly in underdeveloped countries, where because of significant levels of unemployment in certain regions, the inhabitants They mobilize and build settlements in urban areas without considering any type of planning with regard to land use, public services, protected areas, urban facilities, among others. Because of this, many cities have come to encompass territories outside their jurisdiction and thus form the so-called "metropolitan areas", however, the problem is not exactly the growth of these population nuclei, but in the Illegal and unstable constitution of residential sectors located in the vicinity of the commercial areas. Often these areas are called "marginal belts or slums", and they lack adequate access to public services, on the contrary, cause partial or total saturation of each of the services, so that not only creates a problem of order Urban development, but also originates in the socio-economic aspect of the city.

In the same way, this uncontrolled urbanization has been presented in numerous natural areas that are categorized as protected, leaving as consequence the destruction of different ecosystems, directly affecting the habitat of innumerable species of flora and fauna, and increasing disproportionately the degree of pollution of water and soil.


View of residential communities located in the locality of Usme, Bogotá, Colombia. Population growth in these areas has resulted in pollution and destruction of numerous hectares belonging to ecosystems.



View of the town of Petare, Venezuela, the first image reflects the rural context in which is found at the end of the 19th century, the second image corresponds to the current urban structure, noted that much of the natural areas that there is place has been taken by the disproportionate increase in population.



View of some neighborhoods, also knownas "Favelas", located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Because of all the existing urban problems, there is the need to develop new policies around this area, which allows the respective regulatory bodies to maintain a strict control in the urbanization of new spaces in different points Geographical, where it is achieved to consolidate an extraordinary relationship between aesthetics – sustainability – and the functioning of cities. To this end, the decree and the proper supervision of ordinances regulating the constructions according to their use are required. Economic or fiscal sanctions may also be implemented for the offenders of these decrees.

Beyond what is referred to the use of legal instruments, it is indispensable to include this matter in the different national or regional development plans, which are often designed to be implemented within a maximum period of 10 years. However, it should be mentioned that in order to obtain good results, there should not be a constraint on the financing of these programmes, because they are repeatedly inserted with high priority issues in the aforementioned programmes, and that Lack of financial support or control is not concrete. At the global level, several institutions have among other functions, to support the planning and conservation of physical spaces that are very useful for the collective in general, one of the institutions is the UNESCO that with more than 72 years of founded has declared as heritage of humanity to 814 buildings of different characteristics, referred to as "cultural heritage".



Medieval city of Dubrovnik, cultural heritage, situated on the Dalmatian coast, Croatia.


Historic center of Quito, Ecuador, cultural heritage of mankind.




Campus of the Central University of Venezuela, declared a world heritage site in the year 2000, the campus of the University, the sports complex and a sculpture is partially observed.


Historic centre of the city of Córdoba, Spain, World Heritage site.

Analyzing the various sections that make up this article, it is valid to qualify urbanism as a key discipline and indispensable for the solution of different problems affecting the world population, therefore, should be taken into account For each one of those responsible for managing integral and sustainable development on a global and regional scale, recommending that the relevant actions be taken in due time.

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