This year the official 9/11 story will be demolished once and for all but your help is needed

Debt to pay

There is old saying telling "Lies have short legs". In spite of this saying these short legs were able to walk for over 15 years in case of 9/11. But enough is enough, this year with God's help and effort of AE911 people, we altogether will stop this lie from walking any further. Your help is needed, though.


Over 2,800 architect and engineers are, for years, working hard to prove or refute officially stated root cause of WTC buildings fall, specifically WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7. Although it's generally believed that WTC1 and WTC2 were smashed by airplanes, major focus was put to WTC7, a building that has just freely fallen down without any significant cause except minor fires inside the building.

Long WTC7 story short

WTC7 building just fell down during 9/11 even though no real/hypotetical airplain was involved. According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) study based on work of several NIST employees, the free fall destruction of WTC7 was caused just by several internal fires. Although such thing has never happened before for such a type of building, no reliable simulation or research was done. Part of AE911 team is working on it to prove or disprove the official version.

What will happen in 2017 and why this year is important

This August, in collaboration with Dr. Leroy Hulsey of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, AE911 people will be releasing the final report of his two-year study on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

Statement directly from AE911

After 15 years of being deceived, the world will finally have a computer model that is based on transparent, replicable science and that faithfully simulates the behavior of WTC 7, proving once and for all that fires did not bring down this 47-story high-rise on 9/11. Dr. Hulsey’s report will be explosive and it will go viral.

To capitalize on this unprecedented leap forward, AE911Truth will need to be at its strongest ever. From press releases to online videos to engineering presentations to litigation against NIST, we’ll be doing everything in our power to ensure this study has the earthshaking impact our cause needs.

-- AE911

What you can do? Become a AE911 member

If you care for the truth, becoming member is the best way to participate. AE claims 500 new members to have full strength in this fight. If you are architect or engineer, consider joining the AE petition, if you are not, consider to sign petition as well. Study first and if you agree with findings and main investigation goals, join the initiative and BECOME A MEMBER.

How can you become a member?

Visit AE membership site and become a member by registering and donating membership fee which can be from tiny 2.5$ per month for Supporter up-to 250$ per month for Torch Bearer. Most people chooses Activist level donation $7.50 per month. Right now it's especially important because there are people willing to boost your first monthly contribution 12x. It means when you contribute $7.5 montlhy, AE911 will receive additional 90 USD donation. This is crucial to keep their activity, research and promotion running and keep it viral.

What else you can do?

Except of becoming the AE911truth member (which is now the best help you can do right now) you can study, visit AE events, support by shopping and making extra donation and making it viral in general (upvote, resteem, share, post).

Again, why now?

There are two major reasons:

  • this year is the year when official story will be scientifically refuted and it's needed to make it aloud
  • generous donor will add 12x of your monthly membership cost when you join AE911 cause

Major weapons to destroy 9/11 lies

  • Truth
  • science
  • your attention and participation

If you care for the truth stand up and help!

15 years is long enough for major population to live in a lie, it's time to move on. May God help us to expose lies on all levels to see things as they are. Hopefully we shall see the 9/11 official story fabrication falling this year like WTC7 did years ago. Will it be free fall? It's also up to you now!


Note: Donation equal to a reward coming from this post will be sent to support AE911 initiative. But don't forget, your personal membership is needed much more now. Many thanks to all participants and supporters!

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