OMG !!! 81 years ago missing female pilot got found ?

A scientific report states that in 1940 the bones matching Pacific Island are probably the famous female pilot Emily Airborne.

Air Hart, his ship and his navigator disappeared from the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Many ideas are presented regarding their disappearing.

However, research published in the Forensic Anthropology journal has claimed that the bones of the island are from Emilia Airborne.

Research has claimed that bones have got 99% from Emilia.
The research was published by the first Florida University, Emily Air Heart and Marmoreal bonuses, and Richard Jenes, Professor of Tennessee University, had studied it.

In this research, Professor Richard challenged the research in 1941 that the bones matching a Pacific island of 2900 kilometers from Hawaii have not been a male but a female.
It was believed that when Emilia disappeared during the flight with his ship and navigator, he was then near the Geronimo island. He was trying to move the world to the ship.
A British expedition team found a population of population in 1940 to find a human skull, lady's shoe, naval device and wine bottle.
It is said that the naval device used by the island was used by Emily's Navigator Fred Nunon Hurry. In addition, the wine bottle of the island was bin Laden, who loved Emily and used to be with him.
Professor Dr. Janez said in research that the bones of potentially island are of Emily.

Campaign team from the island got 13 bones, sent to physician Dr. DW Hoodle for analysis. Dr. Hoodley said at that time that these bones are of a male.
However, Dr. Jones says that science to study bone was at the earliest stage and maybe Dr. Hoodles came to a wrong result.
'Bones forensic was not completed at the beginning of the 20th century.'
Dr. Jennes studied Dr. Hoodley's report on a modern computer program. This modern report states that the bones found in the island were larger than the ordinary European women's bones. It is clear that Amelia's height was more than ordinary European women.
Dr. Jones says that unless the final evidence is given that these bones are not of amylia, these bone should be considered as Emilyia.
Remember that Emilia Airborne was the first female pilot flying on the Atlantic

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