ZetaTalk News: Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Biblical Prophecies

The Dead Sea has recently begun to grow fish and green vegetation along the shorelines. In that the Dead Sea is too salty to sustain any life, this is a mystery but the Zetas, as usual, explain. This was clearly a Biblical prophecy, mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Zechariah.


he African Roll has occurred in the past, during Pole Shifts, and the 7 of 10 plate movements are again engaging another African Roll. Where does one presume all those rumpled mountains of northern Syria and Iraq, along the Turkey border, came from? There is a giant aquifer under Syria and Iraq, which could be squeezed during the 7 of 10 plate movements as the boot of the Saudi Arabian Plate turns. It does appear that fresh water from this aquifer has begun pouring into the Dead Sea!


(ZetaTalk Explanation 11/30/2017:

There is a crunch point along the border between Iraq and Iran, which has in the past created the mountain ranges in western Iran and eastern Turkey. As Africa rolls, it presses against the Saudi Arabia Plate, which has no choice but to shift this pressure against this mountainous region.)


(ZetaTalk Explanation 10/31/2018:

Just as ZetaTalk exists today because we, the Zetas, share our knowledge with the world via Nancy, in the olden days there were helpful visitors sharing their knowledge with mankind. Some prophecy is also based on history, reading the past and anticipating the future. Given that the African Roll has occurred, to some degree, during past Pole Shifts and could be expected to return for this current passage of Nibiru, what does that imply? We have pointed to the rumpled mountains of northern Iraq and Syria, pushed up against what is now Turkey, and stated that the turning of the Arabian Plate, the boot, caused this.

As the boot turns under pressure from the rolling African Plate, the mountains are rumpled, and this was predictable for the future plate movements during the current passage of Nibiru. There is an aquifer under this region of Iraq and Syria, and such pressure squeezed the water in that aquifer to the south, so it oozes out of deep underground tunnels leading into the Dead Sea. Thus the fresh water, and life returning to the Dead Sea. Is this an End Times sign? Absolutely.)

Finding evidence that we are in the End Times has been much in the news, lately, and for good reason. In December, 2017 we featured this in Issue 585 of this Newsletter during the September 23, 2017 David Meade constellation lineup. Then came the Patriarch Kirill’s admission on November 20, 2017 that we are in the times the Prophet John spoke of in Revelations, and the furor over the US moving their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.


But this does not mean that all interpretation of Biblical passages or analysis of the constellations can be valid or even logical. An example is the flurry of interest recently in Comet C/2017 E1 and its passage through the constellations in 2016 - called the Conception Comet because of a very sexy interpretation of C/2017 E1 during its passage from the loins of Leo to the loins of the Virgin and lo, approximately 9 months later, Jupiter aligns within the womb of the Virgin. Plus a comet looks like a sperm. Per the Zetas, this has no significance.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 10/31/2018:

The flurry of attention that David Meade’s predictions for the Apocalypse on September 23, 2017 was based on an analysis of Revelations 12:1-2 and a lineup of planets that included the Moon at Virgo’s feet. Thus, the theory had some basis. The Comet C/2017 E1 analogy is based on Jupiter aligning with Virgo’s womb 9 months after the comet C/2017 E1 entered the loins of Virgo. Thus it is the “Conception Comet”. But these astronomical happenings have no real connection to the election of Trump beyond the date of the 2016 Presidential election in November, 2016. Facts can be arranged like pieces of a puzzle to show all kinds of conclusions, but this does not make it so.)

But could the Devil be emerging from the bowels of Arkansas, looking to reap his harvest of souls among the sinners? This was one possible interpretation of a blow hole of fire that was recorded in Midway, Arkansas recently. The fire blew 12 feet high out of the hole, then returned to a hot flame about waist high for awhile, then died down. Among the possible explanations were, yes, that the Devil was emerging from Hell. But the Zetas had a more logical explanation, and it does relate to the End Times.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 10/31/2018:

Midway, Arkansas is subject to a number of geological pressures, including the diagonal pull that the pending New Madrid adjustment will force on the region and the bowing stress placed upon the entire N American continent. In addition, Midway lies within a sagging and thin crust, which has resulted in lakes and rivers clustering near Midway. Thus with the triple whammy that this geology imposes, the rock strata under Midway shifts, releasing long trapped methane gas. Such gas normally rises into the atmosphere and there is set alit by lightning or a spark. But shifting and grinding rock strata can also generate a spark, setting the methane alight closer to the ground.)

Baal Arch Revival

Speaking of the Devil, Baal worship and Moloch worship are similar, as they both require the sacrifice of children. Moloch worshipers are akin to Satanists, and go beyond merely killing and burning a child. Pedophilia and cannibalism and spirit cooking are involved, and drinking the blood of terrified children for the adrenochrome high that results. Hillary Clinton and Podesta and many of their Hollywood supporters are Satanist practitioners.

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So what is to be made of the Baal Arch replicas being erected around the US and around the world. Even the UN has jumped in to promote this, under the guise of cultural heritage and preservation. One of these Baal Arches was erected in Washington DC during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, directly across from the Capitol Building. This smacks of intimidation, an attempt to intimidate those who would prosecute pedophilia and crimes against children.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 10/31/2018:

Where promoted under the flag of cultural heritage, thus promoted by the UN and others as archeology preservation, this is intended to be a reminder to the Moloch worshipers that their power persists. The Hillary crowd is barely hanging on these days, with military tribunals retrieving laundered funds from the Clinton Foundation and the Queen’s accounts and openly removing McCain. Forced resignations in Congress have occurred due to sealed indictments. Sessions investigations are openly cleaning out the DOJ and FBI. And what has occurred to date is less than half that this crowd can expect. They are running scared.

Since they are failing on the political front in the US and in Europe, what to do? The Democrats do not have a figurehead to replace Obama, who seems to be in hiding, or Hillary, whose hypocrisy on the #MeToo front is blatant. Shall we pretend that Bill Clinton is pure while decrying the supposed mischief of a teenage Kavanaugh? By erecting the Baal arch in DC, New York, and London – key cities where the Moloch cult is strong among politicians – they hope to speak to the subconscious of many. We are legion, and we are strong, is the intended message, but what the cult senses is that they are being eradicated!)

Maharashtra Artwork

Who’s hand, or perhaps tentacle, created the stunning artwork discovered just under the brush on the hilltops of Maharashtra, India? This has been cut as grooves into the granite, and lasted millennia, so exact dating is not possible. Unlike the symbols used by the Annunaki to mark their landing strips, this appears to be simply artwork, depicting wildlife and sea life and humans fishing. But the artwork is huge, and by showing depth and motion, it is clear it was not done by primitive man on the ground. The Zetas explain.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 10/31/2018:

What is instantly obvious is that these petroglyphs were meant to be seen from above, from the skies. Unlike drawings that would be made by man, essentially blind on the ground and not able to plot the dimensions or create a 3D impression, they are drawn as though by an artist. Motion is captured. Unlike the landing guides laid by the Annunaki, these glyphs were engineered by benign aliens leaving communications for others who would be visiting. Burned into the rock in the same manner that visitors are creating crop circle designs – by computer control. The message: here is the plethora of wildlife you will find.)

Compare this artwork to the symbols used on Annunaki landing strips, found in the highlands of Peru, in Tibet, in S Africa, in Kazakhstan, and even under the swamps in New Jersey. The Annunaki emphasized symbols, akin to their language, not art work depicting animals and fish in realistic poses.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 10/16/2010:

As with the Nazca, Peru hieroglyphs, these designs in New Jersey were meant to be seen from the sky. The hieroglyphs in Peru are high desert and thus survived, while New Jersey has steadily lost elevation during past pole shifts. If the waters of the world were to recede, there would be many more such sites with hieroglyphs emerging. Their purpose was to guide the rocket ships that shuttled between Earth and the Annunaki home planet, Nibiru. The various places on Earth, with their various hieroglyphs, would aid the returning shuttles next time around to understand what part of the globe they were flying over.)

By Nancy Leider

Full Article @ Zetatalk.com:


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