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ZetaTalk News: Sunday September 23, 2018

SDO Reveals

The Solar Dynamics Observatory is a satellite with a pro-grade (counterclockwise) orbit around the Earth. Thus as the Earth turns during the day, also in a pro-grade manner, the SDO satellite makes one circle around the Earth. It keeps the Sun in view by having an extremely tilted orbit path, an inclination of 28.05 degrees, so the Earth does not block the view.

As a geo-stationary satellite, its Orbital Period is 1436.14 minutes, or the 24 hour Earth day. Thus when the Earth’s Moon is in view, the Moon would come into view from the West, moving toward the East, or in a Left to Right direction.


On September 9, per the SDO video and images released by SDO, an object moved across the face of the Sun twice, hours apart, with many holes in the NASA story that this object was the Moon. First, how did the “Moon” jump back so it could make a second pass later? Second, if this was an eclipse of the Sun by the Moon, why was this not a scheduled eclipse? Third, why is the “Moon” of different sizes in the two video captures? Fourth, why did the extreme angle of the “Moon” change, so that a criss-cross occurs on the face of the Sun during a 5 hour passage of the SDO satellite? The Zetas explain.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 9/30/2018:

How did the supposed Moon move first one way across the Sun, swooping across from upper left to lower right, and then making another pass across the Sun from lower left to upper right, during a space of only a few hours? Even presuming NASA’s SDO satellite was moving at the time, this does not account for the changes in direction nor the change in size of the eclipsing object. Is this regularly recorded by the SDO during New Moons? The motion is, however, precisely what would happen if objects in a Moon Swirl were to pass in front of the camera.

Nibiru is between the Earth and Sun, within the orbit of Venus. Moon Swirls are composed of a number of Moons, swirling in a circular manner around each other, thus forming the long tubes often imaged by amateur photographers using filters to bring out the Nibiru complex in their captures. As we have detailed, from the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the many moons of Nibiru are in a perpetual dance with each other, constantly on the move. This explains the swirling motion, the difference in size, and the speed of the repeat eclipse of the Sun.

An eclipse by the Earth’s Moon as seen from Earth seems to have the Moon the same size as the Sun, though the Moon is eclipsing much more than the Sun itself as much of the solar corona is likewise eclipsed. When Venus passes in front of the Sun it is seen as a dot, though Venus and the Earth are the same size and Venus is much larger than the Moon. In such 2D images, proximity matters. The SDO is taking a zoom of the Sun, to capture the details, and thus anything in between the SDO satellite and the Sun are likewise zoomed.)

It was the sudden closing of the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico on September 7th that got the media attention, however. The National Solar Observatory is normally open to the public, and shows the face of the Sun in real time, whereas the SDO releases can be delayed and doctored. Suddenly the observatory was swarmed by choppers and the FBI arrived, even closing down the Post Office! Then in the following days, 6 more real-time solar observatories were closed. What were they trying to hide?


(ZetaTalk Explanation 9/30/2018:

If this eclipse by a Moon Swirl was captured and the film released by the SDO on September 9, why was the New Mexico solar observatory closed on September 7? NASA of course is aware of Nibiru and its wafting Moon Swirls. Though the Moons are never further from Nibiru than 5 million miles, Nibiru is trending toward centering itself directly between the Earth and the Sun. Thus NASA has been forced to restrict direct public viewing, limiting the public to images that can be doctored.)

Retrograde Swirl

Where the Earth and the Earth’s Moon and the SDO all orbit in a pro-grade (counterclockwise) manner, as do the Sun and all the planets in the Solar System, Nibiru is retrograde. Nibiru assumes a retrograde orbit during its passage of the Sun, and rotates in a retrograde manner. The Moon Swirls dragged along behind Nibiru likewise swirl in a retrograde manner. Thus, in the SDO view, objects in a long Moon Swirl tube would be seen in a retrograde motion, clockwise, left to right. This was true of both the objects in the September 9th SDO videos. A retrograde swirl, as the ancients reported.

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(ZetaTalk Explanation 1/15/1997:

As the sweeping arm of this energy field passes the Nibiru, which in no way could stay ahead of this sweeping arm at the distance it is from the Sun, Nibiru’s reaction to the bulk of the energy field is longer lasting and begins to produce a retrograde orbit for its approach to the Sun. Thus, during 1995 through 1998, Nibiru will drift left and up toward the elliptic, aligning itself in the same manner as the planets to the Sun's sweeping arm, but due to its mobility out in space, its distance from the Sun, it develops a retrograde orbit and begins to move to the right, in the manner the ancients recorded.)

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(ZetaTalk: Signs of Change July 2005:

Sling orbit, retrograde orbit, and retrograde rotation are involved. Nibiru is not only passing the Sun in a retrograde orbit, it rotates in a retrograde manner.

ZetaTalk Explanation 2/4/2017:

We stated early in the ZetaTalk saga, even before Nibiru became visible in observatory sightings in 2001, that it has assumed a retrograde orbit. It did so to evade what we have called the Sweeping Arms of the Sun, which reaches out from the Sun as it rotates in a counterclockwise motion. The Sun rotates in this direction, and forces all the planets in the inner Solar System to orbit in this direction. As can be seen by photos of the Nibiru system, this tail curves out from Nibiru in a clockwise manner, a retrograde manner, curling under the Sun and thence up to the left. Nibiru itself also has a retrograde rotation.)

Given the size of the objects in the SDO videos of September 9, it begs the question – is debris at the end of a Nibiru Moon Swirl reaching all the way to Earth at the present time? We know that debris in the vast tail of Nibiru has been arriving, due to the increased traffic of bolides and fireballs. At first, this was termed space junk falling back to Earth, or asteroids making a close pass, or were often claimed to be meteor showers out of season. But the bolide that was shot down over Chelyabinsk in 2013 shows how big and dangerous this Nibiru tail debris can be.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 2/20/2010:

The tail of Nibiru is composed of dozens of moons the size of the Earth's Moon, much debris, and charged red dust. Depending upon the angle, sunlight can blaze off a portion of the dust cloud around a Moon Swirl, so it looks like a spash of light with a drifing tail. Or it can blaze off the individual moons in a swirl, each surrounded by its own dust cloud, so it appears as a String of Pearls. Or under close inspection, the individual moons may be visible.)

One particular Moon Swirl, dubbed the Check Mark, shows the length of an individual Moon Swirl in comparison to the size of the Sun. How long is this length? The Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun. Venus is about 67 million miles from the Sun. And the Zetas have stated that the large moons of Nibiru, those equivalent to the size of the Earth’s Moon, will be no further than 5 million miles from Nibiru at any time. But minor moons, and large debris, can be afar within the vast tail of Nibiru, which is already dropping red dust on the Earth.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 1/2/2010:

We have explained that the tail is vast, the Moon swirls swinging to either side of Nibiru by 5 million miles, but the tail itself swings further than that. During the hour of the pole shift, when Planet X is a mere 14 million miles from the Earth, the tail is whipping the Earth, depositing hail and red dust.

ZetaTalk Explanation 2/20/2010:

The L shape, sometimes with addition lines coming from the central point of juncture, is due to minor swirls stemming from a single large Moon. These swirls are within a charged dust cloud, and when the charge differs, they attempt to stand away from each other, as static will make your hair stand on end and separate.)

The objects eclipsing the Sun on September 9 were not Nibiru’s primary Moons, the size of Earth’s Moon, but minor moons or debris the size of large asteroids, swirling in a retrograde manner due to being caught within the vast tail of Nibiru. Thus the constant worry in the establishment about asteroid defense, and the claims that Near Earth Orbit asteroids are on the increase. Were we warned on September 7-9 that such a swarm of asteroids was close to Earth? Apparently, if associated with the Nibiru cover-up, mums the word!


(ZetaTalk Prediction 11/14/2009:

We have often stated that the debris in Nibiru, the moon swirls, are likely to be called an asteroid swarm when they become noticed. They are getting the public ready for such an excuse.)


The tail of Nibiru is vast, reaching through the inner Solar System to waft across the Earth during Nibiru’s approach for a passage. It is a charged tail, as Nibiru is a big magnet, 23 times as massive as the Earth though only 4-5 times the diameter of Earth. During its passage through the Asteroid Belt in the past, Nibiru picked up red iron ore dust from the many small planets that had been smashed to pieces during Nibiru’s many passages in that region. Iron is magnetic, and the red dust was thus attracted to Nibiru, and follows it still.


A Pole Shift ning blog dedicated to tracking magnetic modeling of the Earth’s magnetic field shows how this magnetic blast from Nibiru is affecting the Earth’s magnetosphere. At first, occasional blasts were being shown on the model. Then eddy flows curling behind the Earth were shown. Then severe deforming of the magnetosphere appeared. This was reported in Issue 547 of this Newsletter in March, 2017, and in Issue 538 in January, 2017 and in Issue 526 in October, 2016. Check out the graphic charts!


The establishment tried, once before, to blind the public by not allowing them access to modeling charts of the magnetosphere. In 2012 the modeling site in Japan was taken down, supposedly for lack of funding, with this function then taken over by BATSRUS under the control of the US government. The Japan site was showing too much, even the location of Nibiru just slightly below the ecliptic where it rides during its approach for a passage. In 2008 this breach in the Earth’s magnetosphere was shown to be exactly 4X the diameter of Earth, just the size that Nibiru represents. Thus, Japan had to go.


(ZetaTalk Explanation 8/7/2010:

What you see here is that portion of the bowshock that represents the area just beneath the Sun's Ecliptic deforming. This area currently deforming is the same area called to attention on December 16, 2008 when a hole in the Earth's magnetosphere, 4 times the size of Earth, was noticed by the THEMIS spacecraft. Of course, Planet X is 4 times the diameter of Earth.)

BATSRUS has outages, timed to blind the public, as has been documented on the Pole Shift ning blog dedicated to tracking the coverup. Note the relationship in dates to the waft of debris at the end of a Moon Swirl near Earth causing the SDO panic and the solar observatory closures. There is it, September 5-12, missing data!

But the Schuman Resonance shows a mega spike on that day, September 9. Thus we can conclude that when the magnetosphere is being hammered, that BATSRUS will try to hide this. The Schuman Resonance was covered just last week, in Issue 624 showing a mighty spike on September 8. But during the day of the Nibiru tail swat on September 9, it really spiked! A continuous slam.

Apparently, as long as the cover-up over Nibiru continues, we can expect solar observatories to be closed, and the public blinded to the assault on the magnetosphere too.


Wobble Moments

The Earth wobble forms a Figure 8, daily, when viewed from above the Earth’s N Pole. First the Earth’s magnetic N Pole is pushed away in a Polar Push when the Sun is high over the Pacific. The N Pole, located in Siberia, comes up over the horizon at that time to encounter the magnetic push from the N Pole of Nibiru. Then the Figure 8 swings to the East, when the Sun is over India, then to the West when the Sun is over Italy, then when the Sun is over the Americas, there is a bounce back, a recovery from the Polar Push.


Many have observed that the wobble in each of these directions can happen quickly, within minutes. Here in Alberto’s photo, the wobble to the lean to the West happens within an hour and a half. At 11:30 am on September 13 Nibiru is at the 4 o'clock position to the Sun, its traditional location in the view from the Northern Hemisphere. On September 14, the next day, we see that at 11:46 am the location of Nibiru has moved left to the 6 o’clock position to the Sun as the lean to the West has started. Then at 1:01 pm it is at the 7 o'clock position to the Sun! In an hour and a half, the wobble flopped.

By Nancy Leider

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