Guide To Electrical Home wiring and equipments..#episode 1. stay on and read

Hello steemians,
I started in my introductory post that I will be dropping my complete guide to home electrical wiring and equipments.



Majority of us might be having this thought on where does electricity comes from.

Electricity which are moving electron, are produced from power stations, which is common in all countries.

it can also be called power plants, power house and generating stations.

these power stations do generate electrical power using generators to convert mechanical power to electrical power and power in electrical sense is the rate of which electrical energy is being transferred


These Electricity produced from power stations, flows through a transformer (step up) which step up the voltage to a higher volts.

step up transformer

these high voltages then move through a transmission wires to our various cities, several transformers___(step down)___ are located at various substations, which tend to bring down the high voltage to a voltage which are being spread to our streets.

In streets you get to see utility power poles having a transformer but this time smaller, these smaller transformers acting also as a step down transformer, it reduces the voltage gotten from the substations to a voltage which our electrical devices can accommodate.

These accommodated voltages varies with countries like.

in India is 230v at 50Hz and most European countries uses the same voltage but at different frequency___(Hz)___
like in France, Russia, China, Argentina uses 220v.
120v at 60Hz in US.
240v at 50Hz in Nigeria.
230v in Australia.

The Home Electricity

alright cool!!!

we now know where these electricity comes from.
let's talk about the home electricity and how it comes into our various home.

The electricity comes in through the hot wire, pressurised by voltage and these electricity passes through a reading meter that calculate the electricity used by us


reading meters


Take note that these current that flow through this hot wire, are dangerous to humans
so please try not touching it with your hands or any form of metals because metals are also good conductors.currents can flow through

As I said earlier, these electricity are moving electrons so by the term moving , they do not reside/stay in a particular place , they just keep on moving and since they are moving they need an exit from our homes

The neutral wire act as an exit for electricity in our homes

'to be continued! ! !`

don't forget to "steem" "it" and stay on for episode 2

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