Discussion Scientific Display and Place

Science display in the time period of the late eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries were of significance especially in relations of to the Royal Institute of Great Britain that was founded in 1799. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries a reform in scientific education that stems from much of the scientific revolution in my opinion. The Royal Institute of Great Britain is an organization that commit much of the education towards scientific education plus research based out of London (Morus, 2010). science’s cultural, social, and experimental location established within European culture in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is that science was soon as a mechanism to be a solution or remedy to many everyday problems in people's lives plus people like advocated that science education to every parish in the
land (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012). Furthermore, Samuel Hartlib and promoter of science plus educational reform in London advocated for a clearinghouse a dissemination of scientific information "Office of Address" (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012). In addition, with the great scientific discoveries with the dissemination of information much of science called for public validation in which "credible witnesses" by their own observation and consensus were required prior to experimentals conclusions could be accepted and granted by the science community (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012). I would say since much of the science during the time period of late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that certain scientific performances had a political agenda to them so scientist would have to tailor their experiments to gain some type of approval or validation (Morus, 2010) in my opinion I think that possibly reduced much of the scientific information in order to make it easy for validation. I must say that the way in which science is practiced now compared to the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries differ in many ways such as the dissemination of scientific information is held to standard that it must pass a variety of checkpoints to meet the qualification of the science community, the science display from what I gathered are most of the time in society today rigorously tried and tested before being displayed, and in contrast to the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries science is still sort of political but now most of the science display and performance are peer reviewed in combination with other scientist and government officials. Additionally, scientific practices was disclosed to a certain segment of the population mainly rich, and influential political citizens during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012) compared to society today where science is shared with general public in fact they have many scientific displays and performances in many different major cities convention centers or the downtown area in some sort of arena type of building. In retrospect, science in European culture was not only cultural in the sense it was seen as of importance to spread the scientific information also get the public involved for validation, but also to be of politics to make the information simplified enough for the understanding of certain individuals. Additionally, scientific practice became like a cultural phenomenon in my opinion it seem like scientist would demonstrate their work in a particular location among a certain class of people in order to get the approval which seem very political to me. We live in a society now where many nations are linked together to the point that science in general becomes screened through many different nation’s scientist, and they give their proessional opinion compared to theate eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries not being as much of a global community I would go on further to say that social media such as Youtube, and Facebook make it possible for the averge person to perorm their own scientific experiment or test someone else experiment to validate it or not thus making today’s society more scientific especially if someone thinks about all the experiment videos on youtube such as this


1.) Morus, I. (2010). Worlds of Wonder: Sensation and the Victorian Scientific Performance. Isis, 101(4), 806-816. doi:1.
Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/657479 doi:1

2.) Bowles, M. & Kaplan, B. (2012). Science and culture throughout history.
Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/books/AULIB332.12.1/sections/sec1.2?search=influence#w2393

3.) Atmospheric Pressure - Science Experiment
Retrieved from

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