Discussion Natural Magic

The importance of natural magic its role before, during, and after "The Scientific Revolution" is as important then as it is now. Natural magic gave sort of explanation to phenomenons that could be explained I would even go far as to say demonstrated with conventional means such as regular science or logic. It is easy to call concepts or ideologies pseudoscience especially if the person giving the label have ulterior motives, lack of understanding and information on the subject. In the medieval ages natural magic was the combination of physics, astrology, and alchemy to explain some of the star alignments or celestial planetary bodies influence on human behavior (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012) in current times many people refer to the concept of zodiac signs to explain human behavior. In addition, noticeably a trend in Los Angeles, Ca that is on the rise called "AGAPE" welcoming all walks of life and religions I have observed some teach the Christian bible as the twelve disciples as zodiac signs and if include the saviour there is thirteen zodiac signs begin gemini a dual or twin zodiac sign. Next, to change one base metal into another with the addition or removal of a carbon is a form of alchemy plus scholars such as Albertus Magnus developing a test to assert whether gold was real or not (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012) became important not only conceptual thinking during "The Scientific Revolution but also currently since many of the precious gold is being bought in a high rate. Next, medicine in the Middle Ages was significant the bubonic plague had no explanation inspired through art was "The Black Death" so many lower class people relied both Herbalist and wise women it is noted that a physician, and professor of surgery in Bologna, Mondino de Luzzi written down a treatise
on dissection based on his own observations (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012). Even in 2016 the United States government recognizing magic as a rare, and valuable art it considered a national treasure (Congress, 2016). Additionally, H. RES. 642 has a resolution detailing the importance of art on culture, experiences, technology, behavior, and etc (Congress, 2016) magic is a concept that to me is as important as conventional science in fact I would say that the ideas in magic give ideas to scientist to develop technology that resembles magic type concepts such as 3D printing machines. Furthermore, magic can be a unifying forces that unites cultural, religious, ethnic, and age differences in our diverse nation (Congress, 2016).


1.) Bowles, M. & Kaplan, B. (2012). Science and culture throughout history.
Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/books/AULIB332.12.1/sections/sec1.2?search=influence#w2393

2.) Congress. (03/14/2016) H.Res.642 - Recognizing magic as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure
Retrieved from https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-resolution/642/text

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