After 7 years of age we begin to forget about childhood

Who would want to forget the sweet memories of childhood. But do you know that we are forgetting the memories of our childhood as soon as we are seven years old. This unique procedure is also called childhood amnesia. This is known from a new research. So far scientists knew that very few people can remember the things before the age of three. This research has been done at the University of Amori, Georgia.


The team of psychiatrists at the university has made extensive studies about this. In this study, many types of questions were asked by people about the disease of forgetting childhood. Researchers say that this study discussed about the memories of childhood, which we usually go to forgetting with aging. The researchers took long interviews with children of three years about their memories.

This new study has been published in the research journal 'Memory'. It has been reported in this paper that this study was conducted on different age groups of children of five, six, seven, eight and nine years. There are quite a few interesting facts in this study. According to the study, children of five and six years can be very successful in fully addressing their childhood sweet memories. However, some of them may not be able to remember very little.

It was found in the study that as well as aging, the childhood memories gradually became blurred. But children who remember events, they can not explain them in detail. For your information, let's say that Australian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who is called the father of child psychology, first used the term 'childhood amnesia' for the disease.

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