Piltdown man finally crumbles

In 1953 Piltdown man, the bane of many a African based anthropologist searching for early man in Africa, was finally demonstrated a clear hoax.

Piltdown man had been the beam in the British scientific establishment's eye for so long and had led to the ridicule and thwarting of many efforts to find early human ancestors in Africa.

Piltdown gang (dark).jpg
By John Cooke - http://blog.geolsoc.org.uk/2012/12/13/a-tale-of-three-meetings/geological/, Public Domain, Link

Dart, Broom and Leakey had all suffered from its curse but now the way was opened.

The Piltdown man house of cards came tumbling down the moment a newer dating technique was applied. After a very recent date was indicate the bones were examined more carefully. All forty odd were found to be forgeries. The scull bits belonged to a modern human, the jaw was that of an Orangutan.

Sterkfontein Caves 1.jpg
By Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Dart would have the last laugh, he would say later of the matter, calling it:

"the most outrageous palaeontological fraud which was to mislead the thinking of every recognised authority in anthropology for forty years and so arrest the recognition of the Australopithecines until July 1953 "

Less than a decade later Mary Leakey would find her own Austrolopithicene and firmly place Africa where it belonged in the origin story.

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