Longest lunar eclipse of the century Tonight, will update pictures as it happens

The sky is crystal clear, the night is going to be cold, so this promises to be a great opportunity to photograph the blood moon of the century.

I'm all set and will post updated pictures as the eclipse unfolds.

Sorry for those in the US, no eclipse for you, but for the rest of us, on the other side of the world, this looks like its going to be a good one.

We are expecting totality for 1 hour and 43 minutes when the moon will be fully engulfed in Earth’s shadow.

Photo 7

Completely in the darkest part of the earths shadow. The Blood Moon

Blood moon

Photo 6


Lunar eclipse, 27 July 2018, Totality

Photo 5

Half way

Lunar eclipse, 27 July 2018, Half way

Photo 4

A quarter gone

Lunar eclipse, 27 July 2018, A quarter gone

Photo 3

Moving quite quickly now...

Lunar eclipse, 27 July 2018, Entering the Umbra

Photo 2

So it begins... A slight darkening, from below.

Lunar eclipse, 27 July 2018, So it begins

Photo 1.

The moon has just risen, is still a bit hazy, due to the closeness to the horizon but its looking beautiful.

Lunar eclipse, 27 July 2018, Full moon rising

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