A Breakthrough Woman in Computing

It is a genius that has revolutionized our knowledge and provided us to come to this day in the information industry. He is a scientist who is a life that is large and full of successes. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper is an American computer scientist and a senior military officer in the US Navy.


Grace Hopper is an American scientist, computer scientist, mathematician, and all. "Harvard Mark I" is the first programmer of the computer and a scientist who develops the first compiler for computer programming languages ​​and is also the first user of the cleaning concept, known as "debugging".

It is also the developer of COBOL, one of the first languages ​​of modern programming.

Hopper was born in New York on December 9, 1906. He studied mathematics and physics at Yale University and graduated in 1930. In 1934, he completed his doctorate in mathematics at Yale University. In 1941 he became a professor.

During the Second World War he left Vassar's academic life voluntarily to join the US Navy and was educated here at the maritime school. He graduated from Harvard as a lieutenant in calculation projects. There, Mark I, headed by Howard H. Aiken, worked on the programming language team and published articles on Mark I, II, and III with Aiken. In 1949 he worked at Harvard Computation laboratories until he moved to Eckert-Mauchly computer company. At this time he wanted to go to the regular army but was not accepted because of his age (he was 38 years old when he wanted to).

In 1949, Eckert-Mauchly began working as a mathematician in a computer company developing the world's first commercial computer, UNIVAC I.

Grace Hopper, who started working at Digital Equipment, worked in this company until the end of his life.
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