Why Isn't there a number 13 in the elevator? This is the answer

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In general, the numbers are arranged sequentially from one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and so on. But unlike the numbers in the elevator that there is no number four or number 13.

Have you ever noticed the rise of avoiding the use of number 13 on some things ?. Such as elevators or elevators, airplane seats, or house numbers. Also some hotels are replacing room 13 to 12b and proceed directly with number 14.

Why is that, is there a mystical element in it?

According to Marketing Communication Hotel Horison Ultima Palembang, Pricilia WFS, many hotels and buildings that have elevator stairs do not include numbers four and 13.

Not only the hotel, but the buildings are usually also no four floors and 13 of them. If I know, he says four and 13 are not hockey. Moreover, the number four is a dead number, "said Marketing Communication Horison Hotel Ultima Palembang, Pricilia WFS. Source:

What's wrong number 13? Why are many away from him?

Some people who nullify the number 13 is caused by triskaidekafobia, which is fear of anything that smells the number 13. This word comes from the Greek tris (meaning 3), deka (meaning 10), and phobia (excessive fear).

People who suffer from these symptoms not only feel uncomfortable, but also have an acute anxiety when faced with the number 13. They often experience nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, heartbeats slow down, sweating and experiencing panic.

Partly due to the superstition that 13 is an unlucky number. But they do it without foundation. There are several versions underlying this superstition, quoted from various sources.

1. Hammurabi Code
The fear of the number 13 begins with The Legend of The Code of Hammurabi, which is an ancient Mesopotamian-speaking code of Babylonian law. It is said that the code contains the laws enacted during the period of the 6th King of Babylon written on stone and human-sized clay is the oldest inscription in the world and is very long.

Told, the author of the code missed the number 13 on the list of laws he wrote so that the law number 13 is not numbered. Then the fear of the number 13 appears and is considered bad in some earlier religions.

2. The Nordic 13th god
Initially, it was believed that the Nordic (Norse), a belief that had developed in North German society, had 12 good gods. For example, Thor who protects his people with his hollow, Odin who gives knowledge, Njörðr who gives wealth and shelter, Freyr that combines weather and agriculture for prosperity.

But then, some mention that Loki Laufeyjarson is the 13th god of the Nordic. Loki is not a god because he is a descendant of Jotun (giant). He could be appointed god due to his proximity to the leader of the gods, Odin. Loki described likes to screw up and deceive. Loki is also a god who uses his ingenuity to deceive Hodhr, Balder's blind brother to kill Balder.

3. Friday 13
Friday 13 (Friday the 13th) became one of the beliefs of the death of famous Italian composer Gioachino Rossini. Rossini who believes Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, apparently died on that dreaded day, Friday, November 13, 1869.

Even after the Friday the 13th movie, people choose to stay at home and try to stay away from the meeting with others. They assume there will be karma from nature.

4. Bad Number
The number 13 is often associated with an unlucky number. The basis of this thinking is Friday, 13th which is considered an unlucky day in the western country. Similar to number 4, the number 13 is not used in the row of elevator floors in order to achieve the convenience of elevator users. Not only that, if both elements of the 13 plus, ie 1 + 3, then the result will be 4, the number that is considered to bring misadventure for the user.

5. Triskaidekaphobia

Similar to tetraphobia, triskaidekaphobia is a phobia against the number 13. The people with this phobia are very afraid of the 13th element. It also removes the number 13 from the row of floors.

Those are the myths that cause numbers 4 and 13 to 'disappear' in some building elevators. In fact, not a few buildings use normal calculations on the floor without removing the two numbers. So, the choice is yours, do you believe in the myths above?


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