Mystical genius

Not many people are aware with the life and work of Wolf Messing.

He was born in Poland (1899-1974) which then was belonged to the Russian empire. In his early life he was claiming that he had been clinically dead and after that event his start to see future events.

The first chance that he had to show his abilities was in a circus in Berlin, which was one of his first jobs. He was able to show that he can read minds and perform telepathy and hypnosis. One of his performances was watched by two famous scientists who go by the names Einstein and Freud. After the show they gave him a little test and he left them amazed.

Hitler was also after him because of his prediction on how the war and Hitler will end. Stalin respected him for his advice on future events, he managed to save his son by telling him to avoid travelling with his hockey team, which ended in the airplane carrying the team crashing killing everyone on board.

He was also very good at hypnosis; witch once helped him to escape from prison and to then rob money from the bank. Some people call him a psychic whereas some people call him a scientist, but all agree that he was an artist. He died in 1974 and still there are many controversial stories about his life surrounding his abilities which are very similar to the writings of Bulgakov in his book Master and Margarita for which I suggest having a read.


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