What happens when you hold your pee?

We all have done this in some time in our lives we hold our pee. At the time of movie, reading that last page of novel or you are too lazy like me. You have probably heard from people it is bad for you and it is but only if you do it frequently and for long periods of time and it isn’t almost always life threatening if you are an adult your bladder can hold up to 500mls of urine or I should say two times the washroom.
Well your bladder wall is full of receptors which measure how full your bladder is. When it reaches capacity it sends your brain a signal which tells you to go. Most of adults have control over their bathroom urges which means you can do it right away or hold it if there is no facility the cylindrical sphincters help you to hold that pee and stop leaking it from your urethra but if you hold for long periods of time a lot like if you are trucker who is on the road for hours for years then you might see not so fun side effects just like urinary retention and increased risk of infection
Constantly holding in your pee can weaken your bladder muscles which can be the cause of urinary retention as you age and your bladder can become a breeding ground for bacteria which can cause urinary tract infection (UTI).
But what happens if you hold it so long enough like the man tycho Brahe in 16th century whose bladder burst after long period but chances are that your body would ignore your command and wet your pants as there are cases in which a man’s bladder had burst but they had been related to injury. But in some cases perfectly fine people have burst their bladder but it was the cause of drinking which damped their signals to the brain but most likely you would pee your pants before your bladder burst
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