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Energy is very important in our day to day activities. We rely on energy to accomplish many of our daily activities. Energy is use to cool our home, fuel our vehicles and cooking.

Despite its usefulness, energy has caused challenges to the world today. Energy sources pollute the environment thereby posing risks to human health.

One needs to apply ways to deal with this challenges by using energy wisely. When it is use wisely and conserving it properly too, it brings benefits which are, we save money for the cost of energy, it protects the environment and and preserve human health. To achieve this, there are areas we should use energy properly such as in transportation, our homes and our during our daily activities.

  1. TRANSPORTATION: To cut off fuelling your vehicle, use public transportation if necessary. One thing is certain, which is, automobiles consumes at least three times more energy per passengers than buses and short distance trains. You should also organize your journey by planning ahead. By so doing, you will be able to cost the numbers of trips you need to make. These Help in energy conservation and saves money and time too.

  2. HOME: when making use of hearing and cooling equipment, use it conservatively. Keep Windows and doors close when heating and cooling your home. This Help to avoid wasting energy by preventing heated or cooled air from escaping outdoor. Example, leaving a door open in cool weather increases the amount of energy required to heat a building. Finally, when at home, switch to more energy efficient lighting.

  3. DAILY ACTIVITIES: Minimize the amount of hot water consumption. Heating water consumes energy while using less hot water conserves energy. It also reduces energy demand for utilities and help household save money. During your daily activities, turn energy off. This includes, appliance, light and electronic devices. E.g TV, radio, fan, computers etc.. most times when turned off, this devices still consumes energy in standby mode. So it is recommended you unplug them from their power source or make use of switchable power stripe to turn off the standby mode.

However, we tend to have little control over the cost of energy or the environmental toll to produce it but we can possibly choose to effectively make use of energy wisely because we stand to gain through saving our money and also protect the environment.


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