The first time I heard about cryonics actually through the movie AURORA, I was marveled,excited and yet confused.
I was marveled in the sense that
I have always thought that it could be possible. If one is to cook and then put it in d freezer that is working constantly and it remains the way it was when you first prepared it, then same should be with humans too.
I was excited in that
I hoped there would be life after death in this old system of things. Naturally everyone wants to live forever so yea not an exception. I thought to myself well if I get the money thats probably the first thing I'll sign up for..
What was it that confused me???:
Well cryonics promises you of life through seriously??? Life through technology??? Well check this out.
Psalm 36 vs 9 states and I quote: "With you "GOD" is the source of all life". Anyone with me right now??? life on earth did not have to wait for some chance combination of chemicals to occur under certain exact conditions. Such a thing has never yet been observed and, in fact, is impossible. Life on earth came to be as the result of a direct command of God the Source of life and by the direct action of his Son in carrying out that command.
Cryonics also says that a human person survives even within an inactive brain that's been badly damaged provided that original things of memory knows and personality can be adequately inferred and reconstituted. The also argue that true "death" should be defined as irreversible loss of brain information critical to personal identity, rather than inability to resuscitate using current technology... Now what does the scriptures say about death? The bible describes death not just the cessation of breath but also the disappearance of a spirit "life force" from the cells that brings about death. Psalm 104 vs 29 and Ecclesiastes 8 vs 8.
ecclesiastes 9 vs 5,6and 10 explains the condition of the dead.
In essence what am saying is... Despite advances in technology man can never be equal to God... There is room for your opinions.
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