Wireless Electrivity Concept By Tesla

No free energy device will ever be allowed to reach the market (Nikola Tesla)

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Nikola Tesla is a true scientist working for humanity. Tesla has the concept that energy is cheap even free. Tesla considers the universe has a lot of energy and energy can be used by humans for their needed. For Tesla, energy like electricity does not need to be commercialized in such a way. Anyone is entitled to get energy from nature. That's the concept that brought great scientists like Tesla.

The concept was not on Thomas Alva Edison. For young Edison, electricity or technology is business. All things should be commercialized for more profit. Edison manages to make himself rich even richer. Edison even revealed melalakukan things that are not commendable to Nikola Tesla. Not even Edison hampers Tesla, but also JP Morgan. At that time JP Morgan did not agree if energy can be free for all humans.

War nergy between Tesla and Edison heats up when Tesla suggests AC while Edison's property is DC. This current draft war made Edison spread hoaks news about Tesla. At that time the concept of electricity Tesla (AC) can be emitted directly through the air without the need for cable. So that concept can make energy into urah or even can be free.

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Edison and cable factory owners disagree. They also began to campaign that the discovery of Teslam danger to humans.
Edison also presents some animals that are said to be electric strands due to Tesla's invention. Though it is not true. There are many other obstacles that Edison and other businessmen have done to make sure they do not lose. Finally Tesla's concept of free energy for humans was buried. Though Tesla can change the electromagnetic energy that the earth emitted into electrical energy.

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Tesla's alternating current (AC or alternating current) is an electric current where the magnitude and direction of the current vary from one to another. In contrast to Edison's direct current that the direction of the current that flows does not vary with time. The waveforms of alternating current are usually sinusoidal, because this allows the most efficient flow of energy. While the DC current owned by Edison is very expensive. Not to mention the use of cables that cost a lot.

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The concept of electrical wiring allows corporations to control their electrical intake. So electricity is charged. While wireless electricity can make people save money. With the concept of wireless electricity everyone is able to enjoy electricity sourced from nature. That's the concept Tesla brought. But the concept is banned by the corporation that wants to profit.

Tesla concept about electricity

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