
  • What is a black hole?

The black hole is a place in space where the gravity has a great tensile force that even the light can not escape. This gravity is very strong because the material is pressed in a small space and this can happen when a star dies.
Since light can not come out of it, people can not see it, it is invisible. But using space telescopes with special tools that people can see. These special instruments can see how stars near the black hole behave differently from other stars.

  • What is the size of black holes?

Black holes may be small or large. Scientists believe that the smallest size is similar to one atom. Although very small, they have a large mountain mass, and the mass is the amount of matter or object in the body.
Another type of black hole is called stellar black holes. Its masses are up to 20 times larger than the mass of the sun. There may be many more of these holes in the Milky Way galaxy.
The large black holes are called massive or "supermassive" black holes. These holes have a mass greater than one million solar mass combined. Scientists have found evidence that at the center of each large galaxy there is a massive black hole mass. The massive black hole in the Milky Way galaxy called "Sagitarius A" has a mass of four million suns combined. It could have a very large ball that contains a few million of the land.

  • How do black holes form?

Scientists believe black holes formed when the universe was formed.
The stellar black holes were formed by the massive collapse of a large star's heart. When this happens, it causes a supernova or supernova. The supernova is a star burst and spreads parts of the star in space.
Scientists believe that massive black holes formed when the galaxy formed.

  • If the black holes are "black", how do scientists know their existence?

The black hole can be seen because of the strong gravity that pulls all light into the center of the black hole. But scientists can also study the star to see if it revolves around a black hole.
When a star and a black hole approach each other, a high-energy light results. This type of light can not be seen by the naked eye. Scientists use satellites and telescopes in space to see high-energy light.


  • Can a black hole destroy the earth?

The black hole does not travel in space, and stars, satellites, planets and stars do not fall into a black hole because there is no black hole close enough to do this in the ground.
And even if the sun replaced a black hole with the same mass of the sun.
The land will not fall in it. This black hole will have the same gravity as the sun. The Earth and other planets will continue to rotate around it as it is around the Sun now.
But the sun will never turn into a black hole because the sun is not big enough to turn into a black hole

  • How does NASA study black holes?

NASA uses satellites and telescopes that travel through space to learn more about black holes, and help spacecraft answer several questions about the universe.

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