The story of Einstein and his driver

We all know about the world famous physicist Albert Einstein but do you know his driver was as intelligent as Einstein.May be he had not any conventional knowledge of science but he had a very sharp brain.I will share a very famous story about Einstein and his driver.

We all know how great physicist was Albert Einstein.So he used to get many invitation to give speech in places.Sometime he had to give speech 5 or 6 day a week.Everytime his driver used to drive him to the location and he listened all the speeches given by Einstein.One day he told to Einstein that after listening all his speeches now he could give a speech to himself.Then Einstein said something that he was not expecting.He said that in next speech you will be Einstein and I will be your driver and you will give your speech in the stage.The driver agreed to this proposal.In the speech day Einstein was amazed seeing that actually his driver giving his speech like he does and no one doubting him.

Next when the question answer round start between the speaker and the audience Einstein thought now he will get caught but here comes his intelligent.Driver knew that he can memorize the speech but can not answer the question of the audience.So after listening to the questions he told to the audience that the questions are so easy that his driver could answer them and he called his driver to the stage to answer the questions.Since hus driver was Einstein he gave all the necessary answers to the audience and after that they both leave.
So in this way Winston's driver proved that he was deserved to be his driver in terms of intelligence.

My teacher told me this story when I was 10 so I don't know either the story is true or not.

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