Nikola Tesla the unfinished project-Free wireless electricity

Hey steemians hope you all doing good in your respective blogs and sorry for not being active for past 2 days.
Here again I came up with a interesting story from the history of physics.Many of us may had heard of Nikola Tesla and those who didn't heard of him will must search about him and his contribution.

Nikola Tesla was a Electrical engineer,Mechanical engineer and a physicist.In one word he was way ahead of his era.He has more than 200 patents in his name but today I will talk about his dream project which he could not able to finish.
His dream was to solve electricity problem and the problem of electrical wire with unlimited wireless electricity.He wanted to supply free electricity wirelessly all over the world.Sounds very exciting.For this he thought a brilliant method which only a genius can thought.He wanted to use the earth as a big conductor and if anyone wanted a access this free electricity they just have to put a metal rod into the earth and start using it.He even stared to work on his project.He convinced one of the richest man of his era Sir J.P. Morgan to invest his project and started to work on his wooden cliff tower from where the electrical current will be emitted.But he keep his real motivation hidden from his investor that his real motive is to provide free electricity to all the general public.He told them the tower will be used to radio communication.As soon as they came to know about his intention they refused to fund his project anymore and his work on the cliff tower remained unfinished.Nikola Tesla done many more outstanding work like giving us the Alternating current but I will discuss them in any other post.

So that is the story.Just thik about that if his intention anyhow became reality what could have been the development of our world right now.

What your thought about the story share in the comments and give some idea if you have some.

Thank you

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