Math is the language of nature which expressed as Physics

Hello steemians here again I come with an interesting topic.Mathematics and Physics are the two main pillers of modern science but as a student you could see debates between Physics and Mathematics.Today I will try to differentiate of these two with some proper examples.

In simple words Physics is observed
phenomenon of our day to day life but Mathematics more of a hypothetical world which used to explain the day to day physical phenomenon.Sometimes we need a mathematical approach to a physical incident to understand it better and sometime we found new physical property using existing mathematical approach.Let see a example.

In the year 1687 Sir Issac newton explain universal gravitational law i.e. every two object in the universe is attracting each other and this force is inverse in nature.From this law a question was arised in his mind that if earth is also attracting moon why not moon is falling on the earth.This problem is called the falling moon problem.I will discuss this in any another blog.
To answer this question properly newton had to found a new branch of Mathematics because the existing concepts of Mathematics was unable to explain the problem.And we got a new stream in Mathematics which is called calculas now.So here from Physics we got Math.

Now take a different case when Einstein look in to the gravity he conclude that no object is pulling another instead the space-time is pushing it towards the object.For this conclusion he used existing law of Mathematics which was neseccory to explain the behaviour of spacetime curve.So here we got the most importent law of physics the theory of relativity.

A another incident here I mention near about 50 yrs ago mathematicians derive a new kind of stream hyperdimension where they explain about 5,10,11 even 26 dimension universe.They thought they found a new kind of stream where there is no physical application whatsoever but the newly made string theory of physics also talk about hyperdimension and the existing laws of mathematics is used.

So from this discussion we can say that though mathmatecian and Physicsicist trying to establish themselves as the best physics and math are behaving like twins i.e. every mathematical application has a physical approach and vice versa.So Math and physics are complementary to each other I.e. we can explain the behaviour of nature with any of them.

Math is the language of nature which expressed as Physics.

Thank you

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