Explanation of archimedes principle and the Eereca moment of science

Have you ever thought how giant ships float in the water.What force make them float without any difficulty.
Hello today I am going to explain exactly that I.e. the famous archimedes principle.
In the year 300bc king hieres hired one of the best scientist of that era archimedes to built a ship to gift it to an Egyptian lady.The ship was the biggest of that time dream of the king was to built largest ship.The job was not easy and archimedes could not afford to failure.

Then one question suddenly strike him.What make a ship or a wood float on the water.One day at the time of taking the bath since the bathtub was full some water fall out of the bathtub and that suddenly gave him the answer.That the weight of the water displaced by the object push the object in upward direction and this force is the famous force of buoncey.If the force is greater than the weight of the object,object will float otherwise it will sink.

For this a small piece of wood or thermocol can float in water and iron cannot.At first the law was derived only for water then it was broadened to all liquids and in even in gas.

A iron piece float in mercury since the weight of the displaced mercury by the iron is greater than the weight of iron.

Now you can ask why a iron cannot float in water but big big ships can float in the water.That is because all ship is not solid only outer shells and walls of the ships are made of iron but it's interior is empty.So it's volume is greater i.e. it displace a great amount of water and weight of that water is greater than the weight of the ship.So they made the ship float.

Hope this article helped you to gain some more knowledge.

Thank you

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