The World is diagnosed with Climate Change

Welcome everyone, today we are going to discuss about an opinion of some experts that suggests planet Earth has only 3 years left to stop the irreversible climate change outcome. First i will link the article here, and now with no more delay let us take a good look on why this is or is not possible for our civilization.

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What experts are asking for?

The main concept for these people is that if humanity is capable of lowering the CO2 emmissions to a lower level than the one we are expecting for the future rising temperature model, we will be able to reverse the temperature trend which is going higher and higher and maybe even balance it by a earlier date, as early as 2030 i would say. The article does not say that much. I am just speculating  so, based on their numbers. So they mostly ask for a greater rise of use of renewables and lowering the fossil fuel based cars. But wasn't that the main concept from the begining? Moreover shouldn't we keep on advancing on these techs, than focusing only in their production? Sorry i am just thinking conspiracy here but shouldn't we first build the best we can and after that mass produce it?

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The renewables

It is 100% true that we are very very close on upgrading our full renewable tech into something far more efficient and productive. Solar panels are having very small outputs in their silicon based self, and scientists are working on it none stop the last 20 years. We are close, we already have the main ideas, like photosynthesis man made leafs, or rising the efficiency of the solar cells which is about 30%,  Techion Israel Institute of technology already succeed on rising this to 50% and they keep it up for even better numbers. In a time not so far in the future batteries are going to get more efficient since several breakthroughs have been done the last 10 years from Tesla and other companies. And of course wind turbines as well as hydroelectric power are already very developed and nowadays are getting bigger and bigger in their production sites since this is their way of producing more (for now at least).

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The fossil fuel based life

It is too bad that people are not tech (for the purpose of the discussion only of course), if we could just produce them in a way that they would be able to discurd all their fossil fuel based things and buy the renewable ones (cars, heating systems etc). Well no that is not possible and it is not peoples mistake to begin with. Goverments and experts ask for change, they back it with big words and still they do nothing for the prices, and they do nothing on helping those people by buying their old car for some big enough amount of money so that he/she can buy a new electric one. The infrastructure in two thirds of Europe for this kind of vechicles does not even exist, and the economic crisis that is on the rise again, its been only 9 years, is not supporting change by any way. Economic and banking systems on the planet is fossil fuel based in case those experts haven't realized yet, and people are not even close of being capable of keeping up with the "change" that the world has to make. Cryptos and blockchain are going to change that, but they are still in their infancy, they need a lot more time, and it is time we do not have.

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The Mass Production

Humanity has already mass produced thousands of millions of things, we are good at it in our current age. We are good at changing factories in nearly no time just to change a line of production, and we are even better at building new ones that are more efficient and productive. So why aren't we rushing to mass produce the future world? The answer for me is simple, we already have too many stuff, what are we going to do with them? are we going to recycle them, are we going to throw them away? Can we by any way make any use of them? In order to "build" the new world we are going to need new material, are we going to keep on mining the planet? Will we have enough to keep on space exploration and start finally mining the solar system (we wont be afraid of running out if we get to that point). And finally do we have funding to solve all this? The answers to my questions are mostly negative. We can not recycle our stuff because we do not know where they are mostly, plus over 2/3 of the world does not have the level of education in recycling as the 1/3 left. We can not throw em away because we do not have enough materials in order to build the future world and we can not keep on mining the planet because we need to count what we have and create reserves or else we are gonna run out. These problems can be solved only if we all agree to one course of action and by getting ready for a new WW3 which is going to waste our valauble resourses in the near future is definately not the way of doing things.

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Politics and banks have destroyed democracy. Difficult to be on scedule, and our capabilities are not so great if we don't work together. The future looks dark and we haven't produced a flashlight. 

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You can find more articles of mine here: @diasdr For all personal thinking content, i am sorry if you find it in any way offensive, i didn't mean to offend anyone just to discuss/express my opinion. 

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