Education, A Leap of Faith, A Leap of Progress

Being an expert in education is not something that people can actually state about themselves, some people do so but i can not just trust them. We all have had our time in the educational cycle, some realized that education ends literally only when our body dies, others choose to "end" their educational progress when they finish school or college(which is not true but they choose to believe so). Today i will try to create a basic ideology of our educational systems, what we do wrong(in my personal opinion) even to the best of systems on the planet (from a general point of view) and i will try to explain my vision of how education must become/evolve in order to cover the needs of humanity in the future which i believe is going to be very demanding for the general population. I will try to break it down as better as i can so bear with me.

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Systems of how to

Once upon a time humans knew little about this planet and its laws of physics, society was in a state of infancy and people that knew how to read and write were counted in a few dozens per city. Such times were different  for each part of the world, for instance in ancient Greece this was the case in the 10th-8th centuries B.C as well as the 17th-18th centuries A.D. The educational system as a whole was based on a howto way of learning, and people were becoming in matters of profession what their parents were because they were the only people who could teach them at least something. Societies do not flourish under those circumstances and people tend to invest in education, that is the main reason we are living in a "progress" based society. In the ancient times slavery was the basic form of society which was enabling the free people to educate in greater numbers. Slavery is a bad thing, history has made it clear that people need freedom in order to thrive as individuals. So our civilization choose to deepen its research on how to create a happier better more civilized individual. How to systems were and always will be the first systems humans have created and their role is unique since family kept its educating status in different subjects nowadays but through the thousands of years in the long run. So i will name family <F. Teacher> and use it again later.

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Education as an ordinance

People needed better quality of life, education was the mean to make it real, society choose to create institutions that were supposed to educate greater numbers of people. F. Teacher did not lost its meaning and in many cases, when finances could not support the education of the child, the parents did what they were supposed to do and educated their child as better as they could, you could call this cases future slaves of the ancient societies. The future of the this family lies with the kid and the statistic escalation would most commonly be that the child or a descendant would end up in slavery, except if someone were to acquire money and educate the family. About the institutions, all the societies of the past have created their educational systems based on their traditions, religions, politics and of course their needs. We can understand which educational systems were the best by which today's world choose to copy from the ancient societies, and we have to admit that we are not creating new ideas on the educational systems lately but we tend to recreate older ones. System after system the world was able to create the right circumstances in order for me to have access to the internet and discuss it, so i think we did a good job all those eons. 

The main idea of the institutions was and still is today the same, we gather students and teachers to a place we call school and we have them study. We use exams in order to evaluate their progress, we use results in order to formulate our future plans for the progressing society. In the institutional education we can find universities, universities are the highest institutions when it comes to knowledge. And until now their results were the best  of any other educational institution ever existed. From personal experience i have to admit(personal opinion) that 1 hour in a university class worth is the equivalent of 1 week of school classes.

Technological leaps of the 21st century have made schools and universities become far more efficient and they were able to add tones of knowledge to the students heads. This looked good until it backfired, pushing a human to learn more and more is something humans like most of the time, the problems show up when you place schedules and timelines. Students started to drooping out cause of boredom and stress, and what society calls failures grew in greater numbers. The institutions are failing to intrigue the students, and our decline as society is on the horizon if we do not do something about it. Lets name it <In. Teacher> and go on.

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Company based education

Companies nowadays compete to products and profits, their results are mostly based on quality, marketing and generally to human labor and innovation. In order to be competitive companies hire people who are well educated and they add to their education with seminars and inside programs. People do not think of this as an educational process but with utmost certainty we can state that it is and does a very good job on creating the necessarily skilled workforce. Company education is tested only by the results of the company but the outcome is good at the most part so we can assume that their doing a good job. Lets name it <C. Teacher> and go on.

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A surface look on some educational systems of today

Let us talk about the so called best educational system of our time. Finnish educational system is the so called best. Children have the most free time, they learn at nearly the same level (all of them), and they can acquire their "life" goals easily. Yea in a society based all around this particular system it does sound find and working. My problem with this socialistic educational system is that it loves robots, they do create human robots that are going to be obedient, work hard do not really complain about anything have their vacation one or twice a year and be relatively happy. I do not have a problem with socialism, it is a solid ideology and has some very good pros. But for socialism to work in a world with borders and nations u need humans being obedient as robots. And so i can not say i like Finnish educational system, of course if i were to choose from our Greek and Finn system i would definitely go for the Finn since in Greece even if we created the ideology of education we leniently have forgotten how to utilize it in a right manner. Greek educational system produces many scientist. But the teenager population is so stressed and at the same time so out of mood all the time that results are getting worse by the year. That is not a phenomenon only in Greece, it it global, USA teenagers are dreaming of becoming football players and do not care about knowledge. So systems of today are failing hard.

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New Foundations

I already have wrote 2 articles that speak of education through simulation universes, and how we could be living in an educational simulation right now. You can read more about it Here and Here. And that my friends is the new foundation we need. An educational system based on virtual reality which will enable the young to learn more about everything while living it. The idea of a mentor is right to its core in my opinion and we should never take the teachers out of the equation. F. Teacher should play his part as a parent, teach the kid love compassion and social basics while caring and keeping the child safe(not too safe let em feel pain it is not bad and it is educational). Virtual reality at this stage should not exist at all. 

In. Teacher takes the lead from where F. Teacher left it, now the boys and girls have to learn how to write, read, calculate and behave as a team, social life begins and friendships are established. NO you can not push that brain to the extreme by giving it hundreds of hours of homework, it is cruel not efficient and counterproductive. So virtual reality can help, social life "ingame" is flourishing as we speak, we can create programs for kids that will live all historical times, learn all religions, understand the basics of human relations through the eons and acquire a perspective that you and i do not have and might never acquire. The teacher and later professor are going to be the guide of the trip, language is going to be the means to understand, and game play is going to be the way to keep kids learning easily and for the first time so fast, I believe we could cut the time a kid needs to learn all the basics from six years in elementary school to about 3-4 years and without pressing their minds none stop. High school  students are going to compete about their results in the sessions and exams are going to become a bit of useless in that point of education. High school will not just be the place where teenagers socialize and have fun while being bored to death due to studying. It will be a gamer's battleground and fun will be learning. Ask any WOW player they know everything about the game, and if they don't they will. 

Universities come last and have the most difficult of jobs. Here for the first time you have to test the students, not just by having them compete against each-other in a platform but real exams. I expect terrible outcomes so i would propose to exam them in complex project creation which is going to be like the game/education time but in real life. And finally C.Teacher, well i have nothing to say here, they will add virtual reality sooner or later because they are all about profit and it will be profitable.

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How is education wrong today

How can the educational system be based in job finding shit. I do not get it at all, we are educating people so that they will be able to get a job some time in the future, i am questioning this foolish bases, by the mid of the next decade about 40% of the worlds works are going to be automated and robots will takeover in 15-20 years about all of the jobs. How are people going to be able to survive? Universal basic income? Well it sounds good but what will the education be about if it is not to get a job? Finally education is getting its rightful place as a true ordinance and people will be acquiring knowledge for better understanding reality and acquiring reasoning and not to just get a so needed job. Progress shall not be for the shake of progress as it is today, but for deeper reasoning and understanding of the cosmos, first steps to evolve to Homo Universalis. 

An other educational flaw is that the knowledge which is given to the people through education is about 98% useless, that is a statistical number from European Union, general information knowledge is useful only if it is combined to some kind of chain which is there to create critical thinking and deeper reasoning, our educational systems are not having any targets at all let alone having chained educational combinations to arise critical thinking.

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In conclusion

I am very positive that virtual reality and a reformation on the educational outcomes is going to establish the needed way to the future. I call us semi-civilized, that is because our education is based on how to profit bases which actually only targets on profit. If we are to proceed we need to change the profit ideology, and create a bases on why and how, have patience for the results and await the new golden pioneering age to rise.

Thanks for reading feel free to follow, vote and Re-esteem if you find it useful.

You can find more articles of mine here: @diasdr 

For all personal thinking content, i am sorry if you find it in any way offensive, i didn't mean to offend anyone just to discuss/express my opinion.

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