"A day in the future": Nanobots taking care of our health

"A day in the future” is a series of posts about fictional and "mundane" conversations people will have in the future. The goal for me here is to present futurists day to day interactions from a human point of view.

But first, I want to share with you some information about today's subject

Our world is advancing so fast that most people are not aware of big changes coming thanks to innovations in technology and science.


One of the most important of these innovations, is nanotechnology which consists on the “manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale” Source

Basically this means it will be possible to have highly intelligent and microscopic synthetic beings, doing the tasks we assign them. This little beings are called nanobots.

"Just how small is “nano?” In the International System of Units, the prefix "nano" means one-billionth, or 10-9; therefore one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. It’s difficult to imagine just how small that is" Source

What is a nanobot:

a robot that allows precise interactions with nanoscale objects, or can manipulate with nanoscale resolution. Source

Of course that there is still much to be done with these micro machines and we still need to wait several years or decades, but eventually, it will be possible for all these mini robots to get together and create a collective intelligence between them. They will also be able to mine the energy of the environment to subsist independently, either within the human body as a synthetic defense mechanism, or in a battlefield doing espionage work, or perhaps in our homes doing cleaning tasks in an invisible way and passing through eliminating all kinds of pests such as mosquitoes and termites.

As I said before, our world is changing rapidly and 2099 will be more different than 2000 in comparison with 1999 and 1900.

Utilities of nanotechnology to biomedical sciences imply creation of materials and devices designed to interact with the body at sub-cellular scales with a high degree of specificity. This could be potentially translated into targeted cellular and tissue-specific clinical applications aimed at maximal therapeutic effects with very limited adverse-effects. Source

The pattern we can see with studies like the one just cited is clear

In the near future, much of our health problems will be resolved passively inside of our own bodies without us having to take medications or constant injections.

I present you here, a brief dialogue from the future between a patient and his doctor, resolving an issue thanks to nanotechnology.

Nanobots taking care of your health

  • A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick
  • A strand of human DNA is 2.5 nanometers in diameter
  • There are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch

A dedicated guy is enjoying his sleep when suddenly, at 3 o'clock in the morning ...

-Communication Device: Alert! You are receiving an urgent call from Dr. Parker.

-Patient at home: ummm !? Hello? Doctor, is something wrong? Why are you calling me at this hour? Something happens?

-Dr. Parker: Sorry for the time, but I assure you it is urgent and I should be as brief as possible.

-Patient at home: Well, okay, please tell me ...

-Dr. Parker: Do you remember the procedure we did a few months ago where we injected millions of nanobots into your bloodstream to monitor your recovery from the operation?

-Patient at home: eeeeh, yes, and?

-Dr. Parker: A few minutes ago the nanobots detected an anomaly in your organism caused by a bacterium and they reported the incident to us immediately on the Internet. The bacteria was quickly destroyed by the nanobots, but it seems that they did not act fast enough or there was another unknown foreign agent that entered your body and has not yet been detected, since your vital signs are beginning to vary to levels outside of normal. Can you please tell me how you feel?

-Patient at home: Well now that you mentioned it, I feel a little dizzy, although nothing serious, but ... is this bad? Should I be worried? Should I call emergencies right now?

-Dr. Parker: For now, what we want is to be cautious and examine you more thoroughly in our laboratory, and yes, you need an emergency transport service as soon as possible, so be prepared right now to leave.

-Patient at home: eeehh ohhh, okay ... call emergency right now ...

  • A human hair is approximately 80,000- 100,000 nanometers wide
  • A single gold atom is about a third of a nanometer in diameter
  • One nanometer is about as long as your fingernail grows in one second

-Dr. Parker: No no no, you do not understand me. I mean that the nanobots already contacted using the GPS system to the nearest ambulance in your home, and they will arrive in less than 2 minutes, so be prepared to be picked up in a few moments. Stay in bed I will open the door of your house from here with the emergency code that you provided us ...

-Patient at home: all right Doc no problem I will get ready really quickly, and thanks for waking me up with a call, I would be very scared suddenly seeing an ambulance and doctors waking me up from my sleep!

Thanks again Doc!

Do you think nanotechnology will go as far as to allow an interaction like this to take place in the future?

What other uses do you believe nanotechnology would be good for?

Image sources
1, 2 3 & 4

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