A series of articles about Human, our planet Earth and the Universe

I am increasingly wonder by modern science ... How often people thought about modern science, those which is mostly based on the canons of the 19th century ? Have people expect a fundamental breakthrough in foreseeable future ? Or maybe these funny "super cars" on panasonic finger cells, personal airplane modules based on the same airdynamic basis, selfdriven rocket for travel to Mars, hectares of solar panels, and etc related pieces of shit, costing of bilions of money, this is it, those fucking breakthroug !?.
Super electro car can't go far then the're pwr cord, planes still fallin like a snow and absolutley not safe, rockets exploding every second start, we are reach the Moon more than 50 years ago, but question still is... where the fuck breakthroug...
Year after year, day after day, humanity walking circles in one place, just because there is no understanding of main – what actually the universe is !
And widespread promotion of an "authoritative hypothesis" based on speculations of pseudo-theories of pseudo-scientists, turns out to be banal demagogy, because there is no understanding, so no results, no nothing, nothing adequate. What to say, if the solar energy source is still considered to be hydrogen and helium, It's not even funny!
The humanity have a lot of fundamental misconceptions, and don't see farther then the "own nose"!
The truth is near, and it's time to open "eyes" wider and look around as a man of the 21st century!
So – welcome !

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