Dealing with Flat Earth sect

Last few days I had 'pleasure' of dealing with Flat Earth sect. I saw on Fb someone posting video on how Earth is flat. I saw few videos about that theory year or two ago, saw it was bs and continued on don't caring about it. Problem is that many people started to believe that theory and so started to post about it. That theory is debunked in every aspect and it so funny that after all that debunking someone can still believe it. I wanted to ask them few questions, but they coudn't answers first one... According to their theory Sun is always above level of the clouds. I ask them how then they explain phenomena of clouds being lighted up from bottom on sunrise and sunset. In their model that can't be possible. There was many many comments on my question in many Flat Earth groups, but no one tried to answer it. Instead, they were talking on how dome is above Earth, satelites don't exist, Nasa is lying everything tec. No one really tried comment with arguments. Eventually after few days every single Flat Earth group banned me hahahahaha. This was only video they where offering me. They posted it million times.

This video shows that peace of plastic reflect light. Just it is...Earth is flat!

Simple explanation of this phenomena is this. Words are in croatian language, but you will understand it.


They are like sect. They are so blindly convinced Earth is flat, that they can't look at evidence racionally any more. Any argument pointing on stupidity of their theory is rejected in their mind by reflex action. When your belief is stubborn, every new information is going thru filter of your belief, so every evidence against your belief in ignored automatically. When you are part of some sect, your obligation is to protect beliefs of that sect and that is what are they doing.

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