Chinese scientists: The impossible made possible.

Due to my love for science to a fault, I want to make a quick post on a breakthrough that Chinese scientists have made.

The monkeys in the picture above are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua and they are two identical long-tailed macaques.

The macaques constitute a genus (Macaca) of Old World monkeys of the subfamily Cercopithecinae. The 23 species of macaques are widespread over the Old World, especially Asia. Macaques are principally frugivorous, although their diet also includes seeds, leaves, flowers, and tree bark, and some, such as the crab-eating macaque, subsist on a diet of invertebrates and occasionally small vertebrates. All macaque social groups are arranged around dominant, matriarchal females.

Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were both cloned, this is surprising because, similar work in primates had always failed but the Chinese made this possible. This is a great breakthrough in the scientific world. The twin monkeys are growing perfectly well and are been taken care of. "They were created for medical purposes" the scientists said, and it took over 127 eggs to produce the live macaque monkeys.

More information on this can be seen @

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