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Evolution of living beings // Analysis

Evolution of the alive beings

A greeting for the whole universe of Steemit, back with everything you, who are important in this opportunity I want to share this topic as that of the evolution, which has many controversy for saying it this way, in such a way that I divide from my philosophy as my thought, up to it connecting with the science and until this content gives sense to him to.

As starting point let's postpone for a moment, on having considered our zoological kinship, which at once we will have of one or another way through that to refer as the man likewise, since what it treats is of finding of in against the man's origin at physical, biological and zoological level, because also it includes other beings I live for that equal way is a question of understanding the origin of the life. I was analyzing that the different theory of the evolution, from different approach of the thought there has a conceptual base, in which it perceives an action in the human sense and humanizador, in the search of seeing and understanding different biological structure of the alive beings and that we the human beings are programmed, since we receive with our genetic endowment the innate aptitude to carry out not innate behaviors, like a scientific correction before the undue pride of our species.

But if the chemical functional composition, the biological organization and the mechanism of all I them will be alive they allow to speak about the uniformity of the living world, I add also his peculiarities coming in the trascurso of the geologic times. The uniformity and the diversification constitute the base of the concept of evolution, with which one alludes to the fact of which the alive beings, from common forefathers, have suffered changes throughout the time that have led to his diversification.

The theory of the natural selection proposed by Darwin is the only one, which supports currently after new knowledge, according to this theory, on having been born more individual than they manage to survive, they exist a struggle for the existence, which demonstrates in a competition for the food and the space as territory, in environmental unfavorable conditions. The individuals whose changes award a major aptitude to survive in an any ambience turn out to be favored with regard to others that are adapted badly, where the surviving organisms are those that give birth to the following generation, whom it transmits the changes successfully and this way continuously in a chain.

The action of the natural selection across long periods of time can give as result, that the progeny is very different from his ancestors.

Next we have the contribution of the evolutionary theory developed by the Frenchman Jean Lamarck (1744-1829), they give us an interesting contribution as his philosophy, where the characteristics that an individual acquires in his interaction with the way are transmitted later to his descents, us can understand this one theories as a gradual process of adaptation of the alive beings with the environment where this they would be living, but I mention that thanks to the knowledge of the genetics, we know, which the characters acquired by an individual do not transmit to the descent, since only there are inherited the genes and not the modifications physics experienced by the cells somáticas.

Continuing we have the philosophy of the Darwinismos, Shawls Darwin (1809-1882), thinking that it was maturing his theory in the course of long years, in his trip for the world to base his theory, but his explosive point when this one turtle comes to the island, where he found several species and sub - species as I classify them, where each of her was adapted to a type of feeding and in habitad different, concluding that all of them species had to come from one commonly, that it would come there in certain moment.

Analyzing I comment on the following thing, on the advances of the science, later that Darwin should establish his theory, several contradictions, nevertheless they do not affect to the base of the theory but only to his aspects or external declarations, giving this way a few theories neodarwinista, continuing his synthesis of evolution, that there would be a mechanism, which was provoking the changes of the species peros it was not known, giving example of mutations and the genetic recombination, as principal persons in charge. This process for which the nature, where the way favors the perpetuation of certain characteristic is what we name a natural selection.

All these philosophical positions of the knowledge were big contribution for science, since the general theory of the evolution affirms that the organism there are results of a gradual evolution from a common counterfoil of simple organization, and also that current mind give faith of test of the evolution, as similarity between species, records fossil, whose it shows us the course of the history of the life in the planet, as a natural record properly of the nature, new paragraph we have the biogeographical tests determining the place of habita of the alive beings, which also contribute us records, at level biology the cellular comparison, to compare the structures bring in species, in such a way that the alive beings, units of biochemistries exist inside them, who you show in the structural resemblances of the acids nucleicos, only explains to himself if they admit a common origin for everything.

Are great contribute them and theories that are born inside all this philosophy of the evolution, that every day is supporting to the historical record and the origin of all the alive beings. We will keep on walking in this long way of the knowledge.

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