Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!

Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!
(By Vic Buaquen)
Cited reference is a simple and definitive statement of science that reality is a product of human feelings and emotion. This reduces to a grander truth that we have always been solely responsible for creating our own reality and will continue to do so through the feelings and emotions that we generate or allow ourselves to have. This further leads to the conclusion that whatever happened to us and what will ever happens to us is our own creation ourselves. None other is responsible but us. Is this now the grand and formidable understanding, weapon or tool that we have been waiting for to enable us to march forward and continue our life’s journey with all the assurance, courage and confidence as befits a child of the Almighty?
Indeed man has free will and may now choose to have dominion not only over the earth but over himself too?
If such is so, how come our history is filled with pain, suffering and misery? The answer should now be self-evident. The feelings and emotions of man has always been dominated by fear and insecurity. The installation and maintenance of that fear in the human heart now appears to be the sole objective and purpose of our established institutions, culture and belief systems that are extant today. The evidence stares us in the eye.
Perhaps it is best to relegate what has been, to history and simply appreciate it as eye opener. More important, the future is wide open with infinite possibilities, what do we do or where do we go? The only valid response to this is the synergy of all our individual and personal choices on the matter which is our human “collective will.” Shirking or evading this personal choice or vote must be a betrayal of one’s own humanity.

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