Big Bang Theory: A whole lie?

Hello friends!

In this first post, I wanted to make reference to the beginning of the universe through my crazy thoughts.
An ugly phrase has haunted me, or better, it has assisted me for a lot of my life: not swallowing whole. With that premise I have dared within my ignorance, that as everyone's is daring, to think that a single big bang is of the extra cosmic size can not be the beginning of a universe with billions of stars, planets, unfathomable gaps and undiscovered forces.

It just seems like a simplistic formula to get by.

And inside my ignorance I suppose that if the Big Bang theory has some seriousness, it could have been or should have been more of a Big Bang because that of arranging everything capable of making an unimaginable cosmos to make a small "ball" is a story childish.
Apart from that to encrypt all the science, all the history, all the philosophy in an explosion is as we say to the astronomers or astrophysicists: now tell us one of horses.


The first is the origin of the universe, the creation of the universe and the beginning of life on earth were unique events. Science will never be able to demonstrate how they occurred, since it requires repeated experiments and observable empirical evidence. However, many believe that scientists have the final say on how the universe appeared. Moreover, many believe that science has shown that biblical creation never happened. The theory of creationism, contrary to what is commonly believed, fits with current scientific discoveries. Scientists call it the first law of thermodynamics. This law is based on the fact that matter can be converted into energy, as well as the heat that results from burning a log.

Then you can not create energy or matter from nothing. Our universe is matter and energy.

Where did they come from?

Despite his efforts no scientist has found the answer and therefore creation is the only credible theory that someone has been able to offer.
For centuries scientists had said that the universe is eternal, this law rules out, It was Albert Einstein who discovered the theory of relativity. This theory shows that the universe is in motion from the beginning. Even though Einstein did not like him (because he was an atheist), his own discovery led him to admit that the universe had a beginning.

Now, if there is an origin. Should there be an originator?

And the second test is the origin and order of nature. This is closely linked to the previous one, for a long time scientists have strongly affirmed the Big Bang. This affirms that everything in the universe is the cause of a great explosion, which gave the origin of everything in the universe and the order of everything that we observe in it. One of the most remarkable scholars on the cosmos.

Stephen Hawking admits that this theory does not even try to answer the question of where we and the rest of the universe come from. This theory really has its lacunae or flaws of an explosion. What results, a systematic order like the one we see in the earth and universe? Or destruction and chaos?

For example, I will say, that I threw cards anywhere, well, they did not take the order they had after throwing them into the air. That is what this theory proposes, that the ordered life that we see today was the result of a Great Explosion. Why is there order and laws that order a universe that coincidentally appeared from chaos? Or maybe there was a designer? An intelligence with purpose is responsible for the order of nature and the universe.



An explosion Destroys, does not order and builds.

I do not pretend to have the reason that God exists and change the way of thinking of the atheists ... but I just want you to meditate for a moment about this theory.

Without further ado, I hope you liked the subject.

Greetings friends!!


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