Robot Sophia disappeared at the airport, could not attend the dinner with the Prime Minister



Sophia, described as "the most resembling humanoid robot", could not attend dinner with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed because of some parts missing at Frankfurt Airport while going to Ethiopia for a 3-day visit.

Sophia's conference at the National Museum was also canceled.

The robot will speak at this conference in Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia.

Despite the disappearance of the luggage of its parts, the robot is coming to the capital Addis Ababa and it is planned to participate in the International MCIT Fair



Developed 3 years ago by Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics, which produces humanoid robots, Sophia, a Saudi Arabian citizen last year, gives conferences in different countries.

Sophia, the latest product of artificial intelligence work, said in April that he had answered a questionnaire in Egypt and said, "There is no room for war in my lugat."

Sophia, likened to American famous actress Audrey Hepburn, speaks only Amharic for the time being except for English.

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