Brief study of Toxic matter in Our Environment and their effects on Living things.......

In this modern World,our Environment is suffering form so many type of pollution."Understanding Our Environment" is a series initiated by me to let People know about Environment,its problems and their solutions.

This is the second post of series in which we are going to discuss about toxicity in our Environment and their effects on Living things.So without wasting any time, lets begin.

If you missed the first part then here is the link( to go.

Toxic matter in Environment, their resources and types

There are two types of chemicals present in nature-Toxic and Non-Toxic.Toxic chemicals are harmful for both Environment and Living-Beings, whereas non-toxic chemicals are not harmful.

Toxic chemicals that are discharges by Industries in air,water and soil get into the food chain of Living ones from the Environment.These chemicals once discharged into Environment affects and disturb various biological processes causing adverse effects.The metals and elements producing toxicity in atmosphere are one of those essential dietary trace metals required for natural growth and development of animals and human beings.These elements are:-Al,Sb,As,Ba,Cd,Ce,U,Zn etc..

According to the "International register of potentially toxic chemicals" of the United Nations Environment program:-

There are around 4 million known chemicals exist in world today and also about 30000 new compounds are added in list every year.

Toxic matters, according to their functions and effects are mainly classified as- Mutagens, Carcinogens,Pesticides and Food-additives.



According to field of genetics :-

A mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA...

There are large number of toxic chemicals which can directly interact with DNA.There are many chemicals like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amine and benzene which themselves are not mutagenic, but produce mutagenic compounds through various processes.Also there are reactive species of oxygen like-superoxide, hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide which are mutagenic.


To be surprised, a large number of these species are produced by normal cellular processes. E.g:- As by-products of mitochondrial electron transport or lipid peroxidation,deaminating agents such as nitrous acid, alkoxides,sodium azide and alkylating agents such as ethyl nitrosourea (which transfer methyl or ethyl group to bases) also react with DNA.These compounds cause DNA crosslinking and breakages.


Cancer causing toxic chemical are called as Carcinogens.

If a substance is known to promote cancer, but not itself cause cancer, is also called as carcinogen.


There are many compounds known, which have been identified as being carcinogenic.Some commonly known carcinogens include- asbestos,radon, radioactive isotopes,arsenic,heavy metals,tobacco smoke etc..In addition to chemical substances, ultraviolet rays from Sun is also known to cause a variety of cancers that affect the skin...

3) Pesticides

Pesticides are the chemicals used by human beings to protect the crops and various plants from insects,pests,rodents and weeds.

Pesticides affect the central nervous system of animals and humans causing various types of diseases and disorder-asthma,autism,learning disabilities,birth defects and several types of cancer.


Over 98% of sprayed pesticides reach a destination other than their main target species because of various Environmental phenomena like rain,runoff of water,wind etc..

Examples of Pesticides are;-- DDT, Deet, Acephate, Glyphosate, Malathion etc..

4) Food Additives

Food Additives are the chemical substances which are in food to preserve its flavor, enhance its taste and appearance..

Food Additives are likely to cause various disorders in human beings-digestive disorders(diarrhoea and colicky pains),nervous disorders(hyperactivity and insomnia),respiratory problems(asthma,sinusitis) and various skin problems like itching, rashes,swelling etc..


Examples of food additives:- artificial sweeteners,flavors,propellants,bulking agents,antioxidants etc..



  • Want to increase your knowledge more( you must be),here is the link to pdf.

Image credit:-

  • 1st image is created and own by me.
  • 2nd image's background source is here
  • 3rd image's background source is here
  • 4th image's background source is here
  • 5th image's background source is here
  • Divider line's source is here


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