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There is no explanation given to the scientists, 7 mysteries of the universe!

The new inventions are constantly in space. The discovery and the change of planets, satellites
For example: Mars found liquid water.

So this topic will discuss seven topics which scientists can not explain.

  1. What we see in the universe:
    We see 5 percent of the universe. And we do not see the remaining 95 percent. The remaining 95 percent is 'Dark Energy' and 'Dark Matter'.
    If we can not see these, when will the truth be discovered?
    'Dark Energy' is a kind of energy that increases the size of the space. It can also be interpreted as a mistake in Einstein's theory of relativity.
    'Dark Matter' is the invisible object which is the sum of the elements of the galaxy. What we can see is very little.
  1. What is actually in Mars?
    Interesting scientists are interested in the existence of Mars They think there might have been life or there is still. There were huge seas on this planet. There is still evidence of liquid water. Life on this planet was once existed? Scientists are trying hard to send people to Mars.

  2. Where does the cosmic ray of high power come from?
    Cosmic rays continue to hit the earth from various places of the cosmos. It contains high speed material that flies from space and sometimes comes to Earth. Low energy cosmic ray comes from the sun. Charged material flies through solar winds in the earth. But the high power cosmic ray creates magnetic fields.

  3. What is the 'First Radio Barts'?
    If an astronaut is lucky, he can detect a flash of milliseconds radio waves. It is called 'First Radio Barts'. Just like the cosmic rays of high power, where does this first radio show come from scientists still do not know why. According to many, First Radio Barts comes from where cosmic rays come from.

  4. Why is more than the number of mater than the antimatter?
    If the parts of the object and parts of the antichrist conflict with each other, they try to destroy each other. If the amount was equal in matter and antimatter, there would have been nothing in the universe. Cosmology says that the number of objects and counterparts should have been made equal to the Big Bang. It means, then we used to live in an indigenous world. But due to some reasons, the Big Bang creates more objects than the antimatter. Regardless of theories, one of the most challenging challenges in physics is to find out what happens to an antimatter. Or why do we see only objects? Who is the object or incomplete?

  5. How to start life on earth?
    The way that we live in the world, it is still not clear how it started life. It remains as an unknown question all the time. We have not yet got a scientific answer. According to many scientists, life on Earth has reached the asteroid or comet. It's a good theory. Because organic material is found in the objects of the celestial body. Some people also said that a part of Mars would have started life on earth sometime landing on Earth. Many others have suggested that, Molecule has created more complex molecules through chemical reactions. These molecules formed compounds like RNA. This is one of the main components of life.

  1. How will the universe disappear?
    According to astronomers, the earth will be immobilized due to the sun going forward in a period of 6 billion years. What will happen to the rest of the universe? There are some theories about this. Thermodynamics theory says, due to the temperature, everything is likely to be destroyed. When the universe comes at the same temperature, all the planets and stars will be lost. According to many, the opposite of Big Bang theory will happen. If the universe continues to grow, then the gravitational force will go very slowly. Because of this energy, there will be clash between all things. Everything will be lost only once in this.
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