Sorry for the long wait kids, here’s more Project Jubilee

Going back to different thoughts/ as I make my way to the gate my eyes squinting in the sun/ the line long, human faces stare back at me, huddling in close/ Other line one of them barks, shaking my head in defiance and saying no/ I keep going and feel a hard shove, other line he screams/ Hey back of the line, I get up to move and I feel a hand on my shoulder/ not you, Captain wants to see you he says with a growl/ nodding I keep my eyes forward and take his order/ we make our way to a tent, entering and letting my eyes adjust all over again/ Here she is, sir he growls and smiles down at me as he salutes/ Thank you Clemons he says low and waves his hand/ Good luck I hear in my head as Clemons exits/ I know what you are he growls, swallowing hard and trying to hide my nervousness/ Don’t do that he says, nodding as I try to breathe in and out/ Why do you want to join he asks, my mama just passed and feel that I don’t belong here I answer/ So you’re not running away from anything he questions/ shaking my head no in response, Good because once you start running you’ll never stop/ name’s Gallows, but my friends call me Scratch/ finally turning around to face me, I see why/ my energy changes, you can’t do that while you’re here friend he snaps/ I pull back and apologize, you’ve seen my mark he says, I open my eyes and let him see what scares everyone around me/ Pink irises sir, I whisper..

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