Nursing School Nightmare!


Hi, everyone. This is Adrienne, Kerry's wife. Oh, I know he doesn't like me using first names, but I'm not a Steemit pro like he is. Ha! Well, I'm having a horrible time with my Master's nursing program. I really think I should drop out!

Between work, family, and school, I think I'm going crazy. I work 12-hour shifts at the hospital in the emergency room and then come home and have to read or work on projects until it's time to go to bed. The house work is piling up, and it seems like there is no end in sight!

I feel like I'm neglecting my family and my body. Is this worth it?!! I'm starting to question whether this is the right time to even attempt going back to school. I'll be switching to nights at the hospital, which should allow me to devote more time to school work, but then I'll be missing out on family time. And my daughter goes to college next year, so I'd like to spend as much time as I can with her.

The professor is driving me crazy with her unrealistic demands. It's an online course, and most of the students have full time jobs, yet she expects us to continually refer to her 71 page syllabus for information? Her instructions are filled with anecdotal stories that just make them harder to understand than they need to be. I've tried to communicate with her online through email, but she never really answers my question. And I have a class scheduled with this same professor in the fall. Just shoot me now.

My husband has been great at picking up some of the slack around the house, but you know how it is ladies. Men don't know exactly how we like things to be and we have to do some of it ourselves. His version of "cleaning the floor" means sweeping and mopping around the couch and not actually moving it. He doesn't even use fabric softener in the washing machine when he washes our clothes. Ugh!

Maybe I just need to manage my time better and take a little of it every day for myself. Actually, writing this post has been somewhat cathartic. Still, I think I might just drop the program for now and start it up again when I have the time (and the money!) to throw myself into the work. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

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