School buildings and sports hall gathering in an area in Svortland

In my previous post, I mentioned that I wanted to include a picture of the new secondary school at Bømlo.
The first image shows this. It is about 1 year old and is an exceptional beautiful school, it looks like both students and teachers are satisfied.
In addition to this new school, a large modern swimming pool with a 25-meter path has also been built.
It is not only used for school pupils, but also for people outside educational institutions.
Many make use of this offer, both large and small.

One can also see the sports hall (Bremnes central sports hall) near the swimming pool.
Not far from the secondary school is Bømlo High School which was built in 1995.
The swimming pool is the newest building and was completed less than a year ago.

There is also a primary school and two kindergartens not far from these other educational institutions that are gathered here.
So Bømlo municipality is investing in education.


The next picture shows the Bømlo High School




This picture shows the Bremnes Ungdomsskulen from behind.



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