Flora Success Story -Few steps for a female to achieve her goals in school


Last week at a youth program I attended, the speaker who shared a story so inspiring.And then I pleaded with her for an interview and she gladly accepted.
Mrs Flora is a Construction Engineer
She's a First Class Graduate of the University of Zaria.
Before she became who she is now,she had to sacrifice a lot to come out successful. As a woman,men sees us as weak and fragile that we cannot do what they can do. Today many women has proven they are as better as the men and Mrs Flora is one of them.
Right from the beginning many told her she couldn't do it
To be an engineer is not an easy job
But she believed and prayed about it.

She's the 5th child in her family, growing up she dreamt of being an engeeiner,she was told that to become an engeeiner is not as easy as she thinks but still she let nothing change her mind. She was so determined to achieve her goals,so to do that she had to be strong and focused.
Right from secondary school she had no boyfriend cause she saw it as a distraction.And even still when she got into the university she had no boyfriend, not that males weren't going after her but she was so focused and didn't want anything to distract her. She said it was really hard because at her age she needed someone to care for her and she needed love but she knew if she did give in to her feelings she wouldn't accomplish her goal.

She was a hard working student who read her books.But she's a woman and is aware she has to get married and then in her 5th year she decided to give herself a chance to meet a good man luckily for her she did meet one during one of her project .
During her graduation party her parents organized for her,she was given 2million naira as a gift. She served her country and a year later got married to the lucky man she met
Having a First Class in Engeeinering, getting a job was not hard at all
She's now a successful woman, engeeiner ,wife and mother
She's what she is today because of her determination and rules she stood by.

When we hear stories such as this, we get curious to know how they did it

1.Create and live by your rules :

Write out the things you wouldn't want to do,if what your studying is very difficult you'll have to discipline yourself to achieve your goals, you want a First Class certificate it not just by saying it but by doing it .

2.Srike a balance between studies and relationships :

Just because Mrs Flora decided not to keep a boyfriend doesn't mean you'll do exactly what she did. If you must date in school you should have a strong control over both your books and boyfriend, set rules and if he loves you he will respect it and live by it .
Mrs Flora didn't want to have a boyfriend because she wasn't ready and didn't know how to control both her studies and boyfriend so she choosed the most important which is her studies
If you think you can handle both well and it wouldn't distract your main aim in school then follow your heart.

3.Read Read Read :

It the most important thing you'll have to do to become what you want to be.
Your books are your weapon to succeed, it the basic tool in school. Reading your books is a what will give you that First Class certificate.

4.Make Friends Who Share Same Mindset :

Our friends play a basic role in our life, you can't be aiming for a good result and your friend is aiming at becoming the queen of her department every year. You need to dine with people who speak your language which is SUCCESS.
Friends have this gift of either encouraging your dreams or distracting it
They are good at manipulating, so you have to be careful of who you get close to.

5.You Need God :

What are nothing without God, he is the only one who helps keep what we read in our head till the next day, he helps keep our brain fresh even after solving Physics. You'll have to Keep God by your side everyday of your life and pray for the strength and courage to succeed.


6.Do Not Procrastinate

Why not pick up that book and read now??
Why later... Do what you have to do now, successful women did not become what they are today because of laziness.
You have a test tomorrow you just came back from school and decided to rest for an hour and then you'll read.
Two hours already yiur still resting, five more Yiu don't know how to stand up and reach for your bag. Shake that laziness off, Time yourself, and live by your words.

7.Have Fun :

All work no play makes Jack a dull boy
Our brain needs to relax sometimes, because you wanna have a good result doesn't mean you'll kill your brain with 24hrs reading. School is a place to read and meet new people.20% of your day should be for relaxation so your brain can think clearly.

8.Be A Good Helper :

Your intelligent but you have friends who needs help
Don't be a proud person, it good to help out those in need of assistance. Great leaders are who they are today because of the people they've helped.
Take time to show them how to solve that equation your so good at.

9.Be Focused :

How determined are you to get that great result
Then work hard, burn the candle, focus on that Goal. Dare yourself that you can do it. If Mrs Flora could do it why can't you all you have to do is be focused and determined.

10.Never Give Up :

Nothing is easy, there's gon be so many obstacles on the way you'll have to fight and continue moving on. All successful women had one or two promblems but they never gave up because in that tunnel they saw the light at the end and they came out stronger

Image from Pixabay

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