School life

For most of my life I've had a passion for art, photography and music it was just one of those things I really enjoyed or liked even before I started drawing and taking pictures.

I had very few true friends at school.
I later realized that I only really had 2 friends who would stick by me when times get rough.

Now you see my best friends are two amazing people and they are sisters.
They shared most of my hobbies, passions, we listened to the same type of music and we even liked the same TV shows.
And once I had made friends with them I hoped that we would be friends forever and I wouldn't lose them...

Our friendship only really started out when I asked for help.

You see I am not good at Afrikaans or asking for help but tests were coming up and I was not going to fail Afrikaans.
There were these two girls in my class that were at the time new to the school and they were fluent in both Afrikaans and English I barely knew or spoke to them as I was always with the guys.

We shared all our classes and I ended up sitting next to one of them in all classes except math as I took the single desk at the back of the class.

I soon after asked one of them for help and I do not like asking for help but I had to pass Afrikaans class so I sucked up my pride and did what I had to do.

Soon after they had helped me understand some of the Afrikaans work and I passed my Afrikaans test with a total of 70% we started hanging out and talking more.

As the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months we got to know each other better and became closer as time went by.
Eventually after a while I stopped hanging out with the guys in my free time and during breaks.

The three of us soon became known as "the three doodlers" in our class (the sad part is I’m not lying). Cause I mean who comes up with such a name as the three doodlers?

All of us enjoyed drawing and were good at it. So, in all our classes we had doodles in our books and on worksheets the teacher had given us. I think the teacher got annoyed at times with all the doodles on her worksheets...

I will say though that I think they are a bit better than me at drawing though.

When people at our school told us, our drawings weren't good enough or pointed out what they considered a flaw we didn't even take notice of their comments as we knew that we were good enough and nothing and no one could tell us otherwise.
They would criticize everything we did from going to the office to eating lunch...

But if you asked us we would probably tell you that the comments didn’t affect us in anyway.
But they did, they planted a small seed of doubt in our minds saying that we weren’t good enough, that we won’t ever be good enough.
And after a while the three of us had started drifting apart, we all always had our own problems or things that had to be done, we all went on our own mission to make ourselves perfect in the eyes of our fellow classmates.
At the time not stopping to realize that people will always no matter what have and stick by their opinions and judgements of you.

We started sitting with other people during breaks and before school and we became like the people who would judge us all the time telling us we weren't good enough or criticizing all that we did.

We started criticizing everything. The way we were dressed, our hair, who we hung out with, our drawings especially- wanting to do the impossible and perfect every element but nothing especially art is perfect- and we criticized each other.

We went from being the best of friends to strangers with memories, barely even sparing the other a glance while walking down the corridor.
We started hanging out with other people, for me it was the group of guys I used to hang out with before, most of them were cool people but there were one or two of them in the group who I didn’t like and for the two of them, they joined a group of girls.

We had barely spoken in about a month when out of nowhere the worst thing possible had happened. And probably the most unexpected thing as well.

I had been informed that one of them were in hospital.

So, I had to go visit even if we hadn't spoken in a while I just had to know if she was okay.

Fortunately, she was okay but that day all of us became closer as friends, closer than we'd ever been in the first place.

But unfortunately, at the end of the year they had to move away. But we keep in contact and I hope I see them again soon.

Isn't it strange how sometime the worst possible things or even a tragedy can bring people closer together?

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