Why the current school system sucks.

Hey, it's me devianceth. I haven't introduced me yet on here but... I just have this urge to tell everyone how I think about this whole "schoolsystem" which is supossed to make you smarter, get ready for your favorite job and live happily ever after.

My opinion in short... the school system is created to have youngsters do something when they're not qualified yet to work and serve their governoment.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your average illuminati guy telling you all these kind of conspiricies. But I do truely believe that the current school system kills creativity and feeds the mind with "brain-food" that nobody wants to eat.

At school we all get taught certain subjects for example maths, physics, foreign languages, sports etc.

However, I think a lot of people on here have already finished their high school career, so let me ask you. What subject did you HAD to study because else you wouldn't be qualified for a certain study?

For example, I'm currently studying marketing (simply because this is a thing I like and I can MAY benifit of when starting my own company). Requirements for this study are: graduated from high school with the following subjects: maths and economics. However.. I have to go trough 5 years of "French, German, Drawing (Art class), Biology, and physics" these subjects were so said 90% input of my school weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I did like subjects like German, Biology and Physics, but I also did already know I wasn't going to anything with them furthermore.

Let's get this straight.. We just get so much unneccesay input from school (brain-food) we won't have any benefit. And I think I can say a lot of people just get depressed HAVING to study a subject they simply do NOT like and will never like. But they have to because for example you want to finish high school you better have a 6.0 for your French subject eventough you'll be studying science which will have 0 benefit you for you job nor in life ever..

I had a test a few weeks ago, it were all questions which where open. For some reason my school decided to get rid of multiple choise based questions. You're answer gets graded by: "student must have the following words in their answer "X" "X" "X". For each word correctly applied in answer student gets 1 point"

So, I failed to test and got to talk to my teacher. He handed me the correction paper and I started to compare my answers to their answers. I concluded that their answers weren't even right as the creator interpretated his own questions way else than I did. I got a discussion with my teacher and he said... well I understand why you put this as an answer from your point of view, and I understand why you had that point of view by reading the question and I think you're right. However I cannot help you out, I have to follow the rules of the correction paper and therefor you failed.

I mean... what the hell is wrong with this whole system, there are multiple correct answers to a question, but because I did not write their answer on my paper it's wrong?

Next to this whole point of incredibly stupid way of testing a person whenever he's qualified or not. There is this creativity kill which in my opinion is way worse.

Students get taught from someone who studied a subject and made it their job, they call themselves "teachers".
However, just feeding information to someone doesn't mean some gets smarter, it can actually make you more dumb.

Let me explain..

If someone tells you 2+2 = 4, you now know 2+2 = 4. But why does 2+2 = 4? The guy who told you that probaly found it out himselfs by counting for example 2 mangos and 2 melons and concluded that he has 4 pieces of fruit, or he also simply got told 2+2=4. Moral of this story is that we don't get to experience or even let our own brain think of the information we get from our books, we just have to take it for granted. The whole proces of thinking is... ehm.. not applied? This is a kill of creativity of it's highest form.

I could drag this story out with way more examples, but I think long stories may bore you on the way so let's cut this off.

I'm open for discussion, tell me what you think. Is the schoolsystem doing a goodjob, or should they finally after years of applying the same way of teaching (just read the damn book) change the way of "teaching"?

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