A Knight and the Tale of Two Alliances

Lionel had been victorious, overcoming immense odds in the process. His opponent was talented and larger than life. If Lionel hadn’t managed to use his resilience in the ring, he was certain he could have suffered a major injury. Praise the king, things went to plan and Lionel came out ahead. Despite that, his body ached, the fatigue heavy set in his bones. His massive opponent made him use every ounce of energy he had to obtain victory, forcing him to recover instead of train for the next combat.

The Englishman sat in the newly established speak-easy underneath the Tokyo Dome, watching some of the new talents intermingle in their own ways, drinking beers, chatting idly, or brooding menacingly in the corner of the room. The knight watched each of them with intrigue. So many walks of life, and so much talent in one area. So much mystique. Perhaps the Kingdom of the Morning Sun was a fortuitous region after all, providing new life and talent to grow and prosper like budding saplings. Due to the shifting landscape, a lot of changes were taking place already. The covetous relics were changing hands with extreme bloodshed, wars being fought and won in the ring, and bodies being battered and broken beyond repair. The ill-bred vampire held two of the titles at the moment, an immense opponent, one who would be a mountain to topple. He was a monster in the ring and outside the ring, it was not yet time to tackle that beast. It was also unlikely for any of the new blood to defeat him without the training or skill to compete.

A squire to Devin Zeagal walked into the underground speak-easy, putting a post on the bounty board. Lionel watched with interest, as all other individuals in the area flocked to the post. The Englishman stared in awe and wonder at the recent news. A Tag Team tournament was starting for the covetous relics shared with a partner! Lionel looked at the list of names, a lot of them new in this weird kingdom of the sun. Strange names were given to the teams as well, it would be an interesting tournament indeed. The knight looked at the top right corner of the posting, seeing himself paired with another wrestler under the team moniker of ‘The Royal Alliance’. Lionel chuckled and smiled. Out of all the competitors he could be paired with, Tae-Hyun Lim was most similar to him.

They both either came from a royal bloodline or a warrior servant of one. Both had a fall from status and rank due to outside forces. Lionel lost his by being whisked to a world that had long left his homeland behind. Tae-Hyun Lim had his royalty stripped from him. His people were massacred and his father, the rightful king of the Kingdom of Korea North, was assassinated right before his eyes. The details were fuzzy and not really explained to him, but Lionel didn’t care, as far as he knew, they were both disenfranchised royalty or warriors thereof. Lionel returned to the bar, signaling Joey Talladega over for another round of drinks.

Joey Talladega: What can I get for you good chap?

Lionel de Montbar smiled at the cheerful bartender, excited for the upcoming tournament.

Lionel: Do you have a drink from the King’s personal supply? I am feeling a little homesick. Like Sir Robyn used to say, a good drink can take you back home, doesn’t matter where you are.

Joey Talladega: Your friend seems like a wise man indeed. I happen to have a bottle from the King’s vineyards of England. It might not be from the great King’s personal stock itself, but it is damn near close.

Lionel: Thank you, good sir. I know with the embargo for this Kingdom of the rising sun, supply must be dreadful to keep intact for our comforts and vices, but you surprise even me with your ways. Out of everyone in this country, I feel you are closest to my kinsmen.

Joey Talladega: I did live for quite some time in England, but I vow to never return there. The classist wankers expelled me from the Sherwood Association, and I will not stand for that. Times might have changed from when you were there Lionel, but for King and Country, it still stands.

The English knight thought for a bit about the bartender’s predicament, thinking about how he could aid his newfound friend.

Lionel: Perhaps, once I return, I can help get you reinstated back to your status in your guild. My word holds power with the barons and lords of the land for my service in the wars of King Richard and the crusades on Jerusalem. You are a good man Talladega, and you deserve the respect of any man in this kingdom or the next.

The bartender smiled, pulling out a dusty bottle from the back of the stock. The bottle was of a reddish-purplish tint. Joey dusted off the bottle as best as he could, before placing it on the counter.

Joey Talladega: There she be, Grape Britannia 2016. The closest thing that the great King Richard would drink on daily. You won’t find a better human alcoholic drink from Ol’ England than this here bottle. That is not counting the Irish spirits or Scottish human alcoholic beverages, which were not a part of your great England if I recall correctly.

Lionel: No sir, they are not a part of the kingdom. They are a vassal of the great Kingdom. They are close to our kinsmen, but quite barbaric in their ways. I do not long for their fiery spirits, but I respect them for their warriors who have aided us in many perilous wars. I appreciate this choice of beverage good sir, but I must get going. I need to find Tae-Hyun Lim to discuss our tactics in the upcoming tournament.

Joey took out a corkscrew and opened the bottle for the knight, pouring some of the wine into the strange knight’s wood chalice, before returning the cork. The knight savored the drink, reminiscing about his home before it all changed. Lionel finished his drink, savoring each drop of the red liquid before departing for the evening.

The knight took to the streets, walking into the chilly night. He didn’t feel the crisp air on his skin, the alcohol dulling his nerves. The Englishman smiled, life was going okay. He was starting to see success from his conflicts in the squared ring, his combat training from his wars coming to fruition. And not only that, he gets to team up with Tae-Hyun Lim, the royal from Korea North. Lionel always worked better with allies anyway, someone to watch his back or fight back to back with if the tides turned unfavorable. Lionel smiled, he and Tae-Hyun Lim would go far, and potentially create a lasting alliance for their kingdoms if successful, the highest of honours in a tournament such as this.

Lionel’s thought process was suddenly ripped from him, an ear-piercing scream filled the air, before the doors to the nearest convenience store broke apart as a large burly man broke through them, stacks of Japanese currency in his hands. Lionel immediately took a combative stance as the man started running towards him to make his getaway. Lionel watched the man for a moment as he got closer and closer from his escape attempt. Lionel grabbed the man as he tried to pass, trying to make sense of the situation. A lady ran outside of the store that the man emerged from, pointing and speaking in the language of this kingdom. The large man started to fight and pull from Lionel, grabbing and ripping at his clothing. The English knight realized that this man meant harm, quickly swinging himself backwards delivering a monstrous flatliner he called the Final Crusade onto the concrete, feeling the splatter of blood coat the pavement and his side, feeling the blow upon his own body from the maneuver.

Lionel sat up, grabbing the currency from the unconscious man’s limp form, and walking it towards his damsel in distress. He looked down, his shirt was slightly coated with blood and ripped horribly. Lionel shrugged tore the shirt off and tossed it towards the downed burglar. The store clerk bowed towards Lionel in appreciation, accepting the return of the cash. Lionel shrugged and smiled at the clerk.

Lionel: You were lucky I was around, he could have made off with your precious living.

The Japanese woman bowed towards Lionel again, smiling happy that it was saved, but she noticed something on Lionel and her smile quickly turned into a frown. She spoke back to Lionel in broken English.

Lady: Ok, Ok. I pay. You give protection, I give money. No more foul play. Now leave!

The woman threw the cash at Lionel, who stared at her in bewilderment. She stormed back to her shop and started to close it up. What did he do to deserve that? Montbar quickly picked up the cash before the wind caught it, and glanced at the storefront again, before walking away back towards the town.

Lionel was lost in his own thoughts again. What was her problem with him? He saved her, did he not? She seemed grateful at first, her knight in shining armor… well more like cloth armor had saved her almost ceremoniously. Was it the blood or damage that he caused her criminal? No, she didn’t seem to care about what happened to him, so that couldn’t have been it. Lionel looked down at his body as he walked. Did he frighten her? Was it the color of his skin in this strange country? Was she terrified of the tattoo he received with his friends from the Kingdom of Mexico? Also, what did she mean by protection? He didn’t do it for the money, it wasn’t like that, but she gave him almost all the money that was almost stolen. What a strange strange place to be.

He thought about his new tag team partner and wondered if they were going through the same struggles in this strange country as they were. Probably not as much, as apparently the Kingdom of Korea and the Kingdom of Rising Sun were similar and close to each other. Hopefully, Tae-Hyun Lim’s training and time in this kingdom were going smoother than his.

Suddenly a black horseless chariot pulled up to Lionel and the door opened. A figure inside beckoned towards the knight, signaling for him.

???: Get in, we have much to discuss.

The Englishman thought for a moment, knowing that he had little choice in the matter here as the horseless chariots were maneuverable beasts that could easily catch up and run him down like a boar hunt. The Knight nodded, before climbing into the chariot. The door slammed shut before the vehicle sped off into the night.

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